Sunday Scroll Text – Chiara’s Cross

I’m going to start putting some of the texts I write for SCA scrolls here on the blog. We’ll call it Scroll Text Sunday because why not.

For those who are not in the SCA, scrolls are provided whenever a person is granted an award. Many are written based on the time and place the recipient chooses to focus upon. From my perspective as a writer, I am constantly challenged to write in a different style to match that time and place, giving me a great chance to expand my skills.

Today we’ll start with one that was presented yesterday. The Cross of Calontir is an award representing years of service to the kingdom.

Cross – Chiara di Paxiti

Chiara’s persona is of a 15th-century Florentine, hence I looked to Lorenzo di Medici for inspiration. He was not only the ruler of Florence from 1469 to 1492, he was also a patron of the arts and a poet himself. I wrote the text in ottava rima style, which originated in Italy and was used for heroic poems. It uses iambic pentameter and ABABABCC rhyming scheme. Medici used this style in some of his works, and I also used some of his other poetry as inspiration for some of the word choices.

The falcon soars across the shining sky
with swiftest wings to claim a northern breeze
Zephyr that lifts him is the softest sigh
as he circles over towers and trees
and to the wind he sends a searing cry                                  5
when thus with eyes aware a prize he sees
below him is a sweet daughter of peace
performing deeds that seem to never cease

Oft she appears when giants make their wars
as fierce as brinded cats with flashing swords                 10
for golden crowns the reddest blood they pour
their greatest joys and deeds she right records
then she to those with deepest wounds succors
with water sweet relieving wounded hordes.
When she completes such deeds, what spies his eye? 15
why tis but sweetest purple butterfly

The falcon’s eyes not only ones that see
for Logan king and Ylva queen are wise
so Chiara di Paxiti must be
for deeds so collected clearly comprise                                20
a Cross of Calontir now must decree
and title given not her only prize
from Pontmerci bestowed ten saccato
and her sworn lady’s love now all shall know

Line 7: di Paxiti means daughter of peace

Line 9: she is a fan of the New York Giants, and I’m combining that love with the fact she is often helping out at tournaments and battles

Line 10: she is also a fan of the K-State Wildcats, and Shakespeare uses “brinded cats” in Macbeth as a reference to wild cats

Line 11-4: this is intended to cover both her job as listmistress and scroll text writing

Line 16: her device includes a purple butterfly

Line 23-4: Issabell wanted to make sure that Chiara, her protege, got land from Pontmerci, her own holding. A saccato is a Tuscan unit of area that is about 1.389 acres

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