Tag Archives: The Who

Rob’s Update: Teenage Wasteland

Week 10 of 2021

Greetings all

The big news this week is, of course, the release of Watchers at War, the thrilling conclusion of The Watchers of Moniah trilogy. While I almost cannot type “conclusion” without putting “thrilling” in front of it, I have to say I think it fits here. I really enjoyed this series and hope Barbara will be sending me more.

The next big thing is the announcement for submissions for another anthology in the New Mythology Press below.

However, this was not my best week ever. For a variety of reasons, I had several nights of poor sleep. That, of course, makes it hard to be terribly productive.

I did what I call maintenance level work. A little of this, a little of that, enough to make progress on a variety of tasks, but not enough to be entirely pleased with the week. Of course, this happens on occasion.

The good news is that I did manage quite a bit in The Ravening of Wolves. I added about 6k while also cleaning out and clearing up the first 60 percent of the novel. I’m at a stage now where I’m tossing battle ideas on the page and things are progressing well, even if I’m not at my best.

What I’m Listening To

Baba O’Riley from the Who. I remember the first time I got my hands on Who’s Next. Obviously, I’d heard this song, which leads off the album but it is such a powerful, strong, creative album. Fantastic stuff.

Quote of the Week

Orbis Imago 1538
Orbis Imago 1538

Today is the birthday, in 1512, of Gerardus Mercator. If you don’t recognize the name, you may recognize the image here.

Mercator is the one who created the flat 2D representation of the globe that we’re generally used to with longitude and latitude lines. However, this map is his first attempt, made in 1538.

This will probably come as no shock, but I love old maps. So, today’s quote is what Mercator wrote top middle of his first map of the world.

“Let America, Sarmatia, and India bear witness, Dear Reader, that the image of the world you see here is newer and more correct than those that have been circulated hitherto. We propose with regard to the different parts of the world to treat, successively, particular regions more broadly, as we are already doing with Europe, and you may soon expect a universal map, which will not be inferior to that of Ptolemy. Farewell. ”
Gerardus Mercator

New Mythology Works in Progress

New Mythology Press Anthology Announcement

New Mythology is pleased to offer another open call for four spots in our anthology scheduled to be released in late October.

Deadline: 31 July
Words: 7k-10k
Manuscript: In .doc or .docx file format, Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spaced
Send To: rob@chriskennedypublishing.com

Prompt: Write a fantasy story involving a beast or monster. While the story can include elements of horror, it should not be a horror story; it should be a fantasy and lean toward the heroic. Feel free to make the beast or monster your protagonist, but if not, the creature must be a central figure, (like Grendel in Beowulf).

As mentioned, we will choose the top four stories out of those submitted to add to the anthology. This is especially aimed at newer authors, though authors of any experience can enter.

  • Just Released: 1 March: The Watchers at War (Book 3 of the Watchers of Moniah Series by Barbara V. Evers)
  • 19 March: Songs of Valor (Book 2 of the Libri Valoris anthologies with Larry Correia, David Weber, Glen Cook, Dave Butler, and Sarah Hoyt)
  • 12 April: Accepted (Book 2 of the Balance of Kerr series by Kevin Steverson.
  • 21 May: Across the Endless Ocean (Book 1 of the Endless Ocean series by G. Scott Huggins)

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • The Ravening of Wolves (62,488)
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • CB (8,418)
  • Cynewulf (8,642)
  • Gato (2,312)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week saw the release of Watchers at War, the thrilling conclusion of The Watchers of Moniah trilogy. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08XNF13ZH.

Today’s Weight: 340.8 (Weeks of bad sleep always bring my weight up.)

Updated Word Count: 9,614

Shijuren Wiki: 725 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Currently Available Works

Nick Patara, PI

  • Silent Knight (Nick Patara, PI, Book 1)
  • Under a Midnight Clear (Nick Patara, PI, Book 2) (Forthcoming)
Four Horsemen Universe
The Phases of Mars
Short Stories

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