A&S Challenge Day 3. To continue onwards, now I challenge Susan Carroll-Clark to provide examples of some Ealdormerian scroll texts. I think you’ve already been challenged, but I don’t think you did any scrolls texts. In any case, they don’t have to be yours, just some good examples.
I’ve had the pleasure and privilege or writing a great many preprint texts. My favorite set, probably my favorite set of any preprints mine or not, were the ones I wrote for Heath Clifton and Maerwynn Holme. The inspiration for these texts comes from the Cleaves translation of The Secret History of the Mongols (http://altaica.ru/shengl.htm).
My particular favorite is Iren Fyrd 1.
As a side note, if you’re looking at this as a template for writing a set of preprints yourself, I always write 3 Torses now. We give out more of them than the other AoA-level awards. Also, Ashir and Maerwynn ended each scroll with a standard ending, basically the legalese of date and place. You’ll want to make sure you account for that, either in the text or as a standard addendum.
AoA 1
The Qan Ashir has made thieves to beware and made all lies to be in vain.
His Qatan Maerwynn has divided wealth and judged proper judgments.
Now Ashir speaks and Maerwynn judges the fate of person’s name.
They decree that person’s name is a lord/lady of Calontir henceforth
and allow them to display their banner across the lands of this world.
AoA 2
We, Qan and Qatan, Ashir and Maerwynn, have seen that
person’s name has ridden loyally at Our side and
tarried not, at the moment when We were journeying;
journeyed not, at the moment when We were tarrying;
and We decree that your proven nobility shall be known
and bid all in this world to call you a lord/lady forevermore.
AoA 3
We, Ashir Qan and Maerwynn Qatan, have ridden from the heights of Mount Burqan Qaldun to the shores of Tunggelig Stream leading Our people. We have watched Our people hunt the red deer and ride the black horses. We know Our people well and now tell to all of this world that person’s name is truly one of Our Calon Ordu, and shall evermore be known as lord/lady from all of the mountains to all of the rivers.
AoA 4
Ashir Qan and Maerwynn Qatan were feasting beside their golden ger. Their anda approached and gave counsel. These great souls said that person’s name is a person who will never forsake you. These great souls said that person’s name is a person who should be regarded as a companion. Ashir and Maerwynn listened and now decree that person’s name will be forevermore be their companion and a lord/lady of the Falcon Throne.
AoA 5
Ashir Qan said to his Qatan: “I have seen Our people shatter the foe like lightning.”
Maerwynn Qatan said to her Qan: “I have heard Our people call for justice like thunder.”
Ashir Qan said: “person’s name has not been properly rewarded for his/her service to Our Ordu.”
Maerwynn Qatan said: “Then let person’s name be recognized henceforth as a lord/lady of Our Ordu.”
Iren Fyrd 1
You have made Our foemen’s hearts empty.
You have cut out parts of their liver.
You have made their beds become empty.
And you have made an end of their descendants.
For this, We Ashir and Maerwynn, Qan and Qatan
Join your spear to Our ranks of spears
And name person’s name a Fyrdman of Our Calon Ordu.
Iren Fyrd 2
Qatan Maerwynn spoke saying:
“person’s name became a shield for Us on the day of battle. He/she shattered stones when you assaulted the enemy.”
Qan Ashir spoke saying:
“person’s name became a shelter for Us against the enemy. He/she smashed cliffs when I led the charge.”
Together Qan and Qatan spoke saying:
“He/she must be added to Our Order of the Iren Fyrd. From this point forward let him/her bear the bright iron lance in Our service.”
Boga Fyrd 1
Qan Ashir spoke saying:
“Who then shot the arrow so as to break the back of my enemy?”
Qatan Maerwynn spoke saying:
“My Qan, it was person’s name who shot the arrow from the mountain.”
Together Qan and Qatan spoke saying:
“He/she is worthy among Our clan. Let him/her be given a quiver of bright arrows and placed within the ranks of Our Boga Fyrd that Our kinsmen shall be shielded.”
Boga Fyrd 2
Drawing his/her bow, person’s name has released his angyu’a arrow so as to pierce ten foes who are beyond the mountains and steppes.
Drawing his/her bow, person’s name has released his keyibur arrow so as to pierce twenty foes nine hundred alda away.
Qan Ashir and Qatan Maerwynn decree that such a man/woman of the falcon lands must from this day forward be a companion of Their Order of the Boga Fyrd.
Eo-fyrd 1
As Ashir Qan and Maerwynn Qatan rode leading Their ordu into war
They spied one who rode the black horse even if their cheeks were pierced
They spied one whose standard flew in the wind even if their black blood flowed
They spied one who had a mouth full of fury and lungs full of heart
So Ashir Qan and Maerwynn Qatan spooke after leading Their ordu into war
Person’s name rode swiftly against the foe, fearing no harm
We would now call person’s name one of Our külü’üd,
Stalwarts who are called in the far Western tongue eo-fyrd.
Eo-fyrd 2
Ashir Qan spoke saying: “My elder khevtuul who guarded me by night, what say you.”
The khevtuul spoke saying: “Person’s name has stood long in the cold which makes one shiver.”
Maerwynn Qatan spoke saying: “My vigilant torguud who guarded me by day, what say you.”
The torguud spoke saying: “Person’s name has faced the willow-bark quivers of our foes.”
Together khevtuul and torguud spoke saying: “Person’s name took no rest while guarding Your throne.”
Together Ashir Qan and Maerwynn Qatan spoke saying: “Then, Our guardians, We now enlist him/her into Our kheshig, Our eo-fyrd, to protect Us until Erkhii Mergen shoots the seventh sun.
Torse 1
In the swift warfare, person’s name did not suffer Qan Ashir to spend the night empty in a night of rain.
In the face of Our enemy, person’s name did not suffer Qatan Maerwynn to spend the night without broth.
In the striking of Our lances, person’s name did not suffer Our people to be wanting of the fire that was red.
Hence, We shall not suffer any longer that the deeds of person’s name not be recognized and call the soaring falcon to deliver him/her the mantled Torse of purple and gold.
Torse 2
At the moment when Qatan Maerwynn was wearing a dell of gold thread, person’s name was tending to her black horses.
At the moment when Qan Ashir was eating the meat of the red deer, person’s name was pitching his ger.
At the moment when the people of the Qan and Qatan needed help, person’s name was there.
Hence, at this moment, the Qan and Qatan decree that under the sun and moon person’s name is a companion of Their Torse.
Swan 1
Even as seeing Mother Sun when the clouds become clear,
Even as finding the water of the river when the ice becomes clear,
Ashir Qan and Maerwynn Qatan have seen the beauty of person’s name’s art become clear,
And forevermore decree that the golden grace of this Calon Swan to all become clear.
Swan 2
Ashir Qan said to his Qatan: “Certain thoughts have entered my dreams in the black night.”
Maerwynn Qatan said to her Qan: “Certain thoughts have disturbed me in the bright day.”
Ashir Qan said: “person’s name has woven golden cloth to warm Our royal persons.”
Maerwynn Qatan said: “person’s name has sung silver songs to warm Our royal souls.”
Ashir Qan said: “Then let Us call him/her by the name that he/she has earned.”
And Maerwynn Qatan said: “Then we shall call person’s name a Golden Calon Swan.”
Mallet 1
From the time when the brown Earth was only the size of a clod,
From the time when the sea and rivers were only size of a stream,
We have needed wisdom to enrich this land for which We have fought
And have enriched those who fought for wisdom with their dreams.
Now We, Ashir and Maerwynn, Qan and Qatan, in heartlands we have trod
Bestow Leather Mallet to person’s name as token of Our esteem.
Mallet 2
These truths are recognized in all lands where the falcon soars:
Qatan Maerwynn needs those to make the golden bridles for her black horse,
Qan Ashir needs those to make the shining steel for his gleaming arrows.
Thus We name person’s name as one of the craftsmen of Our Calon Ordu
And bestow the symbol of the Leather Mallet as a sign of Our will.