Rob’s Update: Open Call Starting Soon

Postcard Front

Week 23 of 2024

Greetings all

A pretty productive week here despite taking some time off for Memorial Day. Once again, thanks to the memory of those who sacrificed for us all.

I’m over 20k on The Feasting of Vengeance and it’s still flowing smoothly. It’s a blast to write, will be just as much a blast to read with as many blasts, explosions, and rounds downrange as I can fit inside.

I Smell a Rat
I Smell a Rat

And there’s more in the Foresters saga coming! July 12th, we have Bureau 42, which includes I Smell a Rat by myself and Dan Bridgwater. Check out the amazing image Dan made using the cool cover art!

Also this week, I received Responsibility of the Fleet, book 3 in G. Scott Huggins’ excellent Endless Ocean series. I don’t have a firm release date, but I’m excited to see this amazing trilogy get finished. Don’t have the first two? Get them here:

Postcard Front

I also spent this week catching up on some smaller projects. I’ve needed to update the cards I hand out at events, so here’s the front and back. As you can see, they’re much flashier than the Firehall Sagas cards I was handing out, plus it’s got all my relevant social media and Amazon details. I really like how they turned out.

I did a goodly amount of Okkorim work as well. By the way, there’s some special stuff coming out soon that I can’t wait to talk about from some folks you might already know. Exciting times!

Man, I’m enjoying having all this work. I’ve had times in my life where I didn’t have enough to do and I much prefer it this way.

Speaking of which, the open call for novel/trilogy submissions starts on Saturday! Send me stuff to read! Here are the details:

And with that, I wish you all a great week!

What I’m Listening To

Nothing, actually. I was only going to sit down and do a short task, so didn’t pop up my MP3 player, but got to doing things and didn’t notice until now.

Quote of the Week

Happy birthday to Mel Blanc! He’s be 116 today.

It’s amazing just how good Looney Tones really was. Great characters. Good stories. Images that remain with us.

“We didn’t make pictures for children. We didn’t make pictures for adults. We made them for ourselves”
– Mel Blanc

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

I dash to and fro     Daring dire perils

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

The current snippet is Chapter 1 of The Feasting of Vengeance.

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details:

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here:

The Ruriksaga is out! Get this one here:

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (21,171)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

New stuff from Bill Fawcett and Casey Moores! It’s the second book in Bill’s Blood and Armor series called No Fail. Get it here:

Your pre-release this week is from Kacey Ezell and Chris Kennedy. It’s The Conqueror’s Promise, the third book in their amazing Ashes of Entecea series. Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 372.0lbs

Updated Word Count: 107,439

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Though Poppies Blow

Week 22 of 2024

Greetings all

Whew! Balloon Fest was something else! We had a great time in the morning, but then the sun went past the building that shaded us and later on it got really hot. It might have only been 91 or so, but in the sun, and the fact nobody’s used to that heat yet, it was too much.

Balloon Fest
Balloon Fest

But it went well. I sold a reasonable number of books, but better yet, I told a bunch of folks about our quilt store. We did very nicely in the store, especially since as far as I could tell, all of them were first-time customers.

We sold a couple of sodas, which wasn’t worth the effort. We have them in the store, but people bought them from Higher Grounds who were next to me. Still, it was nice to be able to spread out for 16feet of table space.

I heard great things about the ESports tournament I set up. About 15 people played, they liked the prizes we got, and it went very well. Not bad for an idea I thought up literally on March 29th. We’ll do it again next year, but with advance planning and publicity. Hopefully, we’ll make it something cool for the region, not just Anthony.

Because of Balloon Fest, I didn’t have as many writing days as I’d hoped for, but I still got about 5k written. I started doing sprints again. I’ve finally figured out the new version of the Discord sprint bot that I installed on the New Mythology Press server, but it’ll take a bit for it to get instinctive again. The old way was much smoother. Ah, well, progress.


Speaking of progress, we had a great week of folks buying all of the Firehall Sagas, including the Ruriksaga. Thanks very much! Keep up the good work!

On that note, have a great long weekend.

What I’m Listening To

Cygnus X-1 by Rush. Wheeling around the galaxy on my ship the Rocinante. Wouldn’t that be fun?

Quote of the Week

This weekend is Memorial Day. This week’s quote is the entirety of In Flanders Field by John McCrae. Here’s his Wikipedia page, by the way, which talks about him writing the poem:

This poem is special to me because my grandfather served in World War One at the age of 14. They knew he lied about his age to go overseas, but they couldn’t prove it, so they had him and all the others who did likewise assigned to the Forestry Corps. Their job was to cut down trees for trenches and do whatever else was needed. This included pulling wagons with dead and wounded.

Can you imagine? At 14? Yeeesh. Anyway, have a great Memorial Day everyone.

  In Flanders Fields
In Flanders Fields, the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead, short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
– John McCrae

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

I am the killer of worlds and     Keeper of trust

Interestingly, I had more guesses than normal from this first line. All the guesses fit the first line, but none of them fit the rest of the riddle.

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

This week’s snippet is Chapter 1 of The Feasting of Vengeance.

Dragon’s Tidings

We are closed on Monday for Memorial Day.

However, check out our Facebook page to see our first two graduates from our quilting class showing off their new quilts!

Also, check our website ( for our May 30% off special!

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details:

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here:

The Ruriksaga is out! Get this one here:

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (14,152)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have D.T. Read’s fifth book in her Seventh Shaman series, Trial by the Gods. It superbly blends Native American mythos with far future scifi. It’s one of a kind, and well worth giving a look! Get it here:

Your pre-release this week is from Bill Fawcett and Casey Moores! It’s the second book in Bill’s Blood and Armor series called No Fail. Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 376.0lbs

Updated Word Count: 106,690

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Balloon Fest

Week 21 of 2024

Greetings all

Lots of exciting things going on around here this week. First, the Ruriksaga is out and you can get it here:


This is a companion volume with a bunch of short stories I’ve written in the world, along with new maps, some historical documents, and, of course, the Ruriksaga, a poem describing the beginnings of Periaslavl.

It’s exciting for me if only because it’s what I want all authors to do. If I like a world, I want to see under the hood, and this is your chance.

Also exciting is that it’s time for Balloon Fest in Anthony! I had a great time last year and that was after only about a month of starting the move here. Now we’ve got the store open and I’m part of the process.

My big contribution is the sponsoring and addition of an ESports tournament. Chaparral High School here has an ESports team and next year it becomes an official KSHAA activity on par with band. I think this is a great thing, plus events like Balloon Fest don’t often have enough stuff for teenagers to do. I’m excited and hope to make this a yearly event.

If you plan to come down, make sure you visit our booth. We’ll be near the axe throwing, which seems sorta right, doesn’t it?

The next exciting thing is I’m starting to get rolling on The Feasting of Vengeance. I’m over 10k now with consistent progress every day this week. It’s in that phase where some of the chunks are just rolling off the keyboard onto the page.

I also started back with my riddles! That’s exciting. I didn’t mean to take six months off, but I’m back on the horse, so to speak.

And one more thing. It’s early days, but I’m up to 3 days in a row working out. A long way to go, but now I’ve taken the first few steps. Hopefully, I’ll still be excited next week.

But for now, I’ve got some things to get ready for the weekend. Have a great day!

What I’m Listening To

Different Stages, by Rush. I’ve been meaning to edit the numbers of all the tracks on Different Stages so I could listen to the album in order. I finally got that done and am enjoying it. It’s a quarter-century old now, but man that was an amazing tour.

Quote of the Week

Today’s the birthday of both Liberace and Danny Trejo. How’s that for duo? Both have great quotes, but I have to give it to Liberace this time.

 Why don’t I just step out and slip into something more spectacular?
– Liberace

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

I am the killer of worlds and     Keeper of trust

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

Dragon’s Tidings

BalloonFest on the 18th.

Also, check our website ( for our May 30% off special!

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details:

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here:

The Ruriksaga is out! Get this one here:

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (10,041)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have more in the 4HU!!! It’s Companion to Ghosts by Kacey Ezell and David Shadoin. Get it here:

Your pre-release this week is D.T. Read’s fifth book in her Seventh Shaman series, Trial by the Gods. It superbly blends Native American mythos with far future scifi. It’s one of a kind, and well worth giving a look! Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 370.8lbs

Updated Word Count: 105,739

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Happy Mummy’s Day

Week 20 of 2024

Greetings all


The Ruriksaga is out next Tuesday! And it’s up for pre-order now. You can get it here:

This is a companion volume with a bunch of short stories I’ve written in the world, along with new maps, some historical documents, and, of course, the Ruriksaga, a poem describing the beginnings of Periaslavl.

It’s exciting for me if only because it’s what I want all authors to do. If I like a world, I want to see under the hood, and this is your chance.

This week I’ve been working on The Feasting of Vengeance. I’ve made good progress, though not great. In fact, this was one of the least productive weeks I’ve had in a long while. There are reasons, most notably having to put one of the kitties down, but it still meant four of the days were a complete washout and much taken from the others.

Hopefully, this week won’t be quite so cluttered with stuff, especially bad stuff.

Such is life as author. All that I can do is keep plugging away. I do anticipate some significant progress next week as created the best Save the Cat Beat Sheet I’ve ever done. There are a lot of chapters I know what to do with, which usually is what I need on a given day.

We had an interesting Monday with serious weather expected. We got lucky in Anthony as it went around us, and ever since it’s been beautiful. Yesterday, I went out to stare at the lake which helped greatly for the Save the Cat thing.

This weekend, of course, is Mother’s Day. Best wishes to all the mothers out there. Which reminds me, I need to buy some cards. Better go do that now…

What I’m Listening To

Roll the Bones by Rush. It’s my normal springtime turn the playlist to just Rush for several weeks time.

Quote of the Week

Happy Birthday to Howard Carter, born May 9th, 1874. I read something interesting lately that King Tut’s Curse might actually be a real thing. Someone found high radiation levels in the tomb, much too high and too localized to be normal. They’ve apparently found this in other Egyptian tombs.

They didn’t know about radioactivity per se, but t seems like the people who buried these mummies intentionally put rocks that caused sickness into these tombs. This might explain why Carter and others died of things like Hodgkin’s Disease. Fascinating if true, but I don’t have the link handy. Sorry about that.

Instead, you’ll just have to think about what it was like when they actually opened the door.

It was a sight surpassing all precedent, and one we never dreamed of seeing.
– Howard Carter

Rob’s Riddles

It’s back!!!! After way too long. You’ll start getting riddles again next week on my Patreon.

You can find it here:, along with a sample riddle.

First Line of Next Riddle:

I am the killer of worlds and keeper of trust

Dragon’s Tidings

BalloonFest on the 18th.

Also, check our website ( for our May 30% off special!

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details:

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here:

The Ruriksaga is out on May 14th!

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (6,799)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have Jo Boone’s The Celestial Sea, book 3 in her Combined Service series. Get it here:

Your pre-release this week is Companion to Ghosts by Kacey Ezell and David Shadoin. More in the 4HU!!! Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 368.8lbs

Updated Word Count: 96,328

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: The Ruriksaga

Week 19 of 2024

Greetings all

Paladins of Valor
Paladins of Valor

So much going on at New Mythology Press right now. First, Paladins of Valor came out on the 19th Thanks to all who’ve already bought it and reviewed it. If you haven’t gotten it yet, get it here:

We have another release to talk about! On May 14th, we’re releasing Ruriksaga by yours truly.

This is a companion volume in the Firehall Sagas. What’s a companion volume, I hear you asking. Great question!


A companion volume is collection of cool things related to the universe. In this case, it’s six previously published short stories plus a brand new one. But wait, there’s more. There are also a variety of worldbuilding documents I created as part of building up the world of Eard including, shockingly enough, a poem I wrote called the Ruriksaga.

There are a whole bunch of hints of what’s coming there, including some really cool maps (Thanks Sean Stallings!). It’s a peak behind the curtain, including my commentary on some things. Basically, it’s a bunch of stuff I love to get from writers about series I can’t get enough of. I want to be the writer who matches the kind of writer I admire, so here’s stuff I like.

The Ruriksaga is out on May 14th, as I said!

I am back on the horse, so to speak. I’m fully recovered from both getting back from all the trips and cutting off caffeine for a time. I’m allowing myself a little caffeine again and, hey, it works again. Good thing because there’s lots to do.

I did a bunch of publicity stuff this week, along with making solid progress on The Feasting of Vengeance. You won’t really see it in the word count but I went ahead and did a Save the Cat beat sheet for it. Save the Cat has a basic outline format that occasionally gets me going, and to be honest, a challenge to The Feasting of Vengeance is both to conclude the trilogy while doing things I haven’t done yet.

Spoiler alert: The Save the Cat idea added some huge moments. You might say it went nuclear.

I also edited another scenario in Okkorim, which is now available for some Patreon subscribers (

Lots of fun stuff going on, too. Today is the 3rd birthday of the New Mythology Discord Channel. Send me an email if you’re interested in joining.

I’m also doing a couple cool things in Anthony. First, this weekend, on May the 4th, David Birdsall is coming in to run Star Wars RPG and the Outer Rim board game before we all go watch Star Wars: A New Hope at the 1936 movie theater here.

And on that now, I’ll bid you adieu. And, of course, May the 4th be with you!

What I’m Listening To

Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. This might be my favorite Zeppelin song, though Ten Years Gone and Stairway to Heaven are right up there. This version is the Physical Graffiti original release, but the best version in my mind is the Page and Plant release with doumbeks and bunch of other things thrown it.

Quote of the Week

I’ve become more and more of a fan of the Rock over the years. A bunch of that is him bringing back the XFL (now UFL) since I’m a fan of the St. Louis Battlehawks.

Anyway, his story is pretty interesting and this is a quote that’s relevant to writing, especially writing a novel. Also, happy birthday.

 I’ve learned over the years that when it comes to success, consistency is key. Consistent hard work that we may not like doing today, but for a payoff we’ll love tomorrow. Earn it. Enjoy it.
– Dwayne Johnson

Dragon’s Tidings

Come by on Saturday for Star Wars gaming! May the 4th be with you.

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details:

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here:

The Ruriksaga is out on May 14th!

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (5,121)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

Your release this week is The King’s Daughter by Kacey Ezell and Chris Kennedy is out! This is book 2 in the Ashes of Entecea series which is going to be our next big shared world, I think. Get it here:

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here:

Your pre-release this week is Jo Boone’s The Celestial Sea, book 3 in her Combined Service series. Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 371.2lbs

Updated Word Count: 95,630

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe