Week 4 of 2021
Greetings all
Sorry about not posting last week. I’ve been under the weather since ChattaCon. My turn in the Covid box, which I’ve long expected. To be frank, it wasn’t bad for me, just draining. I’m certainly on the mend now.
I did manage to get the base manuscript for Keen Edge of Valor complete and sent off to the editor. That will be released at FantaSci, and to ensure we have print copies there, we needed it done early. Which it is.
I’ve been working on Deadly Fortune, by Aaron Rosenberg. Due to some need to shift things around, this will be the next Eldros Legacy novel. It’s set in Shijuren (my continent), and it involves piracy, murder, treachery, intrigue, and all sorts of great things like that. To coin a phrase: “Killed by pirates is good.”
Side note: we watched Princess Bride over the holidays again. It’s been a month and I’m still basking in the great quotes, as you can see.
I haven’t really had a chance to do much writing and it’s been gnawing at me. The good news is that once I get my portion of Deadly Fortune and Keen Edge of Valor done, I have February basically open for writing. I do owe a short story by the end of the month, but I will get bunches done in the The Door Into Winter too.
I had planned to do a full ChattaCon AAR, but there isn’t much to discuss. The con organizers did all they could and worked their tails off, but attendance was down. No panel was particularly well attended that I saw. Again, not the fault of the organizers.
I had one panel go really well, and that’s the Iron Writing Panel, which was basically a Whose Line style story creation thing where I kept adding/changing characters and settings and events. Quite fun. Long live the Excalispork!
That will be among the cards in the next version of this game.
Also, part of why I don’t have much to say is that I left early to get ahead of the weather. I’m really glad I did as I had smooth sailing, which wouldn’t have happened had I stayed throughout.
I’m glad I went, especially since I got to hang out more with William Joseph Roberts. He’s a smart man who’s doing real cool things.
Anyway, I think it’s time for me to edit.
What I’m Listening To
Not surprising, but since I was sick and not able to focus on work, I’ve been watching Rush concerts and documentaries, so it’s the current thing on the playlist. I’m mostly listening to it in whole album chunks and I’m currently on Power Windows. Like always, I hear one of Rush’s albums and two things happen. One, I remember just how good that album was especially since I always hear some intricacy I hadn’t heard before. Two, I remember that particular time in my life in sharper focus. Every new Rush album marked my life like signposts.
Quote of the Week
Fifty-five years since the mission that never flew, Apollo 1.
“If we die, we want people to accept it. We’re in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us, it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life.”
– Gus Grissom
Dudes In Hyperspace
Follow the Dudes In Hyperspace here:
The latest show includes an interview with Craig Martelle of 20Books and IASFA.
Cool Stuff In Eldros Legacy
Get five free stories and signed up with the Eldros Legacy mailing list! Here There Be Giants is at: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/qabsr57lq3+.
We’re doing some consolidation of the process right now, meaning there will be some special things happening in February. I’ll talk more about that soon.
New Mythology Works in Progress
We have no current open anthology calls but will have a new one in January.
I’m currently working on Keen Edge of Valor for release at FantaSci.


Start the year with an adventure


Rob’s Works in Progress
- The Door Into Winter (74,029)
- Rick Blaine (8,845)
- CB (8,418)
Upcoming Events
- Superstars Writing Seminar, 9-12 Feb., Colorado Springs, CO
superstarswriting.com/ - FantaSci, 25-27 Mar., Raleigh, NC
New Releases
Two new releases this week, mostly because I didn’t do one last week. The first is A Rupture In Time by Mike Jack Stoumbos, the second of the This Fine Crew series. You can find it here: amazon.com/dp/B09QPJJ7XC.
Next is The Magnetar by Jo Boone. This is the first in the Combined Service series. You can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09QC78PLJ.
By the way, these are two recent additions to the CKP stable. Chris is always keeping an eye out for you guys. You want good stories and he wants to give them to you, and here is proof.
Tracked Items
Today’s Weight: 318.2 (Not a typo. I was already trending down a bit and then I got sick and haven’t eaten much. Not ideal to lose that much that fast, and I expect it will creep up some in the next weeks, but it’s still exciting to be under 320)
Updated Word Count: 3,696
Eldros Legacy Archives: 813 entries
Have a great week, everyone.
Rob Howell
Founder in the Eldros Legacy series
- Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/-/e/B00X95LBB0
- Website: robhowell.org
- Blog: robhowell.org/blog
- Eldros Legacy: eldroslegacy.com/
- Eldros Legacy Archives:www.eldroslegacy.com/archive/tiki-index.php
- Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/robho
well.org/ - Twitter: twitter.com/Rhodri2112