Week 16 of 2023
Greetings all
I’m beat. Moving is hard, and that’s with movers helping. We still have way too much stuff at the old house.
So I did almost nothing workwise this week. Answered emails. Did some brainless editing prep, not much else.
Fortunately, people around me are kicking it, especially those at Podium.
Last week, we announced the pre-release for Hunting the Hart, book 5 in Jon R. Osbourne’s modern fantasy series The Milesian Accords. Pre-order it here: audible.com/pd/Hunting-the-Hart-Audiobook/B0C24XX31G.
But wait, there’s more! Podium has also opened up Pandora’s Box, book 2 in Christopher G. Nuttall’s excellent swords and sorcery post-apocalyptic series Heirs of Cataclysm. Pre-order is here: audible.com/pd/Pandoras-Box-Audiobook/B0C2QMZLHF.
Stay tuned next week for some special tidbits on these.
There’s more to talk about, but I think I’m going to bed so I can pack some more tomorrow. Where did all this stuff come from?
What I’m Listening To
My favorite Black Sabbath song, Sign of the Southern Cross.
Quote of the Week
Moving is such a hard trek, even when things go smoothly. Rush’s Marathon has the perfect quote.
It’s a test of ultimate will
The heartbreak climb uphill
– Rush, Marathon
And sometimes it’s the heartbreak climb upstairs with yet another box.
Rob’s Riddles
I have a Patreon where I write Old English style riddles and provide snippets of my work. You can find it here: patreon.com/rhodri2112, along with a sample riddle.
Note: The move has delayed a couple of normal entries in the Patreon. I’ll be resuming on Monday.
First Line of Next Riddle:
I have saved a realm Riding on the waves
Latest Snippet: Chapter 5 of Farewell, My Ugly
New Mythology Works in Progress
I’m pleased to announce the 2024 FantaSci Short Story Contest. Get the details here: chriskennedypublishing.com/2023/03/28/2024-fantasci-short-story-contest/.
Rob’s Works in Progress
- Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
- Farewell, My Ugly (72,812)
- Rick Blaine (8,845)
- The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)
Upcoming Events
- Lilies War, June 9-17th, Smithville, MO, lilieswar.org
- LibertyCon, June 23-25, Chattanooga, TN, libertycon.org
- Pennsic War, July 28 – August 13, Slippery Rock, PA, pennsicwar.org
New Releases
We begin with Mike Jack Stoumbos’ first foray into the 4HU, Defender’s Rise. This book gives you a look at the elSha and opSha, a couple of races that—until now—have been secondary in nature, so it’s not to be missed. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/1648557058.
Your pre-release this week is The Backbone of Surprise, by C.S. Ferguson. This is book one in a new MilSF series called the Transhuman War. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0C2XYB421.
Podium has opened up Pandora’s Box, book 2 in Christopher G. Nuttall’s excellent swords and sorcery post-apocalyptic series Heirs of Cataclysm. Pre-order is here: audible.com/pd/Pandoras-Box-Audiobook/B0C2QMZLHF.
Tracked Items
Today’s Weight: 351.0
Updated Word Count: 110,397
Firehall Sagas Archives: 737 entries
Have a great week, everyone.
Rob Howell
Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe
- Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/-/e/B00X95LBB0
- Website: robhowell.org
- Blog: robhowell.org/blog
- The Firehall Sagas: firehallsagas.com/
- Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/robho
well.org/ - Twitter: twitter.com/Rhodri2112