Tag Archives: Kevin Steverson

Rob’s Update: Fall Fest

Week 42 of 2024

Greetings all

Reka's Grasp
Reka’s Grasp

The big news, of course, it the impending release of Reka’s Grasp a week from tomorrow. I’ve said it’s brilliant and I was right! It’s by H.Y. Gregor and is a great addition to Jon R. Osborne’s Milesian Accords series.

I spent a goodly amount of time this week working on a thorny knot in The Feasting of Vengeance. I had a battle spring up out of nowhere and I needed to work through both the POV and the tactics.

It’s interesting writing MilSF. I’m constantly trying to come up with new tactics. I try not to use the same sort of thing over and over because I find that boring, so it forces me to do a bunch more research and thinking.

Still, I got about 5k written in the novel. I’m this close to clearing 80,000 which puts me in close striking reach.

I also spent a goodly amount of time working on Anthony’s Fall Fest. It’s fallen to me to help with a lot of this sort of thing, as much as anything because I’m experienced at it. I also kind of like running events.

Sort of a short update this week, but that’s really about all I got this time. Have a great week!

What I’m Listening To

The 2019 version of Midway. I actually like it, though I have a number of problems with pacing but it is pretty good in terms of historical accuracy. And it’s never a bad thing when we get to see more Dick Best.

Quote of the Week

Happy birthday to the prolific Nora Roberts!

There’s no reward without work, no victory without effort, no battle won without risk.
– Nora Roberts

Dragon’s Tidings

Fall Fest on the 12th.

20% off fabric and used books in the store

New Mythology Works in Progress

Reka's Grasp
Reka’s Grasp

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (79,422)

Upcoming Events

  • Market Faire, November 30, Anthony, KS
  • Kris Kinder, December 14, Kansas City, Mo
  • ChattaCon, January 17-19, Chattanooga, TN
    I’m the Toastmaster!

New Releases

This week we have Salvage Purgatory by Kevin Steverson, Nick Steverson, and Jason Cordova, the first book in the new Salvage Title universe series The Invasion. If you were wondering what “The Coalition” series was preparing for… it’s here! The first three books will be coming out monthly (look for Salvage Harbinger on November 8), so you won’t have long to wait—jump into the next great Salvage Title series here: amazon.com/dp/B0DJD6YG7J.

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 359.8lbs

Updated Word Count: 236,000

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: The Vechnoye Saga Approaches!

Week 41 of 2024

Greetings all

Reka's Grasp
Reka’s Grasp

Reka’s Grasp, book one of the The Vechnoye Saga by H.Y. Gregor, comes out on the 18th! So about two weeks away.

Check out this awesome cover by Alexandre Rito! Isn’t that beautiful?

This series is set in Jon R. Osborne’s Milesian Accords universe, and involves Russian mythology, which is seriously underused in my opinion. I can neither confirm nor deny, Senator, that houses with chicken legs make appearances in this series.

This story was a joy to edit, except for the part where I had to go back because I got caught up in the story and stopped editing. You all are going to love it.

In terms of The Feasting of Vengeance, I had a slower week than anticipated because some things cropped up. I did make good progress, but not as much as I’d hoped. The things that cropped up are all good, but did take time out of the week.

The preparations for Fall Fest happening in Anthony on the 12th caused part of the delay. We’re going to be doing some neat specials for our customers in the store including a chili cookoff sponsored by the Anthony Chamber of Commerce.

Of note, you should also put down the 30th of November, which is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Anthony is holding its Market Faire that weekend and it will be a neat Christmas-y weekend celebrating, in part, Small Business Saturday. Just mentioning so you can put it on your calendar.

And with that, I’ve got things to do! Have a great week.

What I’m Listening To

Shiroyama by Sabaton. This is like watching the climactic battle of The Last Samurai, but with a Swedish symphonic metal soundtrack. It’s actually a fabulous song.

Quote of the Week

Francis of Assisi died on October 3rd, 1226, so this seems to be a great time to toss out this quote of his that I love.

” Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
– Francis of Assisi

Dragon’s Tidings

BalloonFest on the 18th.

Also, check our website (www.reddragonquilts.com) for our May 30% off special!

New Mythology Works in Progress

Reka’s Grasp comes out on the 18th! Followed soon by the rest of the The Vechnoye Saga by H.Y. Gregor.

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (74,841)

Upcoming Events

  • Market Faire, November 30, Anthony, KS
  • Kris Kinder, December 14, Kansas City, Mo
  • ChattaCon, January 17-19, Chattanooga, TN
    I’m the Toastmaster!

New Releases

This week we have the return of Fred Hughes’ Britannia series with Hero’s Legacy. Hazard may no longer be around, but his enemies still are, and they’re going to need to be dealt with! Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0DHBQW4PR.

This week’s pre-release is Salvage Purgatory by Kevin Steverson, Nick Steverson, and Jason Cordova, the first book in the new Salvage Title universe series The Invasion. If you were wondering what “The Coalition” series was preparing for… it’s here! The first three books will be coming out monthly (look for Salvage Harbinger on November 8), so you won’t have long to wait—jump into the next great Salvage Title series here: amazon.com/dp/B0DJD6YG7J.

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 362.8lbs

Updated Word Count: 234,000

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Guess I’m Going To Chattacon 50

Week 3 of 2024

Greetings all

Chattacon 50
Chattacon 50

Well, wasn’t that a fun announcement from Chattacon? In case you missed it, they’ve invited me to be Toastmaster for Chattacon 50. I’m excited and honored to be part of the list shown here.

I can’t thank the Regina, Lani, Lee and all the other folks I’ve met at Chattacon enough for giving me this opportunity.

Also this week, we’ve added a new mailing list just for New Mythology Press! Kacey Ezell is running it and she has a bunch of cool ideas for it. She’s much better at this sort of thing than I am, so at the very least, you might want to sign up just to see how she’s setting things up. I’m already learning a ton.

Sign up here: chriskennedypublishing.com/fantasy-mailer/

Oh, and there’s a rather nice reader magnet for all who sign up, with short stories by myself, Jon R. Osborne, Kacey Ezell, and David Shadoin. Also, there are some legends from both my Firehall Sagas and Trisha J. Wooldridge’s 27 Kingdoms series. And, of course, snippets, including several from other New Mythology series such as Kevin Steverson’s Balance of Kerr series, Scott Huggins’ Endless Ocean series, and Christopher G. Nuttall’s Heirs of Cataclysm series. There’s no better way to find out what we’re about.

I appreciate all of you who are a part of my mailing list, and one reason I’m so excited about this other mailing list is I think it’ll help me do better by you. Expect some freebies from me coming your way soon, too.

I have yet another announcement! I’ll be at GaryCon in March. I’ll get to talk about Okkorim and, of course, play as much D&D as I can. It is the 50th anniversary of D&D and I suspect I’m going to wallow a bit. However, my big plan will be to hopefully meet a bunch more game producers and designers.

Thanks to Luke Gygax for all these opportunities!

I spent this week working on edits for Paladins of Valor and Okkorim. All told, about 10,000 words written this week, which is really nice.

I had intended to get going on The Feasting of Vengeance, but to be honest, I was going so good with Okkorim I didn’t want to break the momentum.

My writing philosophy is basically, get words on the page. Anything that gets in the way, like feeling I have to do all of the writing projects I’ve got going on, should be avoided.

And with that, I’ve got another idea, so I’m going to go do some more.

New and Cool

Did I mention the New and Cool New Mythology mailing list? Check it out here: chriskennedypublishing.com/fantasy-mailer/

Quote of the Week

Happy birthday to A.A. Milne! Or would that be Happy Poohday? Nah, probably not.

But here’s a lovely quote from him.

“I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen.”
― A.A. Milne

Dragon’s Tidings

We’re starting the long-promised game nights at Dragon’s Den!

Mondays starting 5ish and going to 8ish. First time will be Monday the 22nd. Hopefully some of you can make it over.

For the first one, I anticipate either a Session 0 of an RPG, Munchkin, or something else like that. Or maybe all of it, who knows?

Check out our class schedule:

New Mythology Works in Progress

Of note, this now includes our recent releases, so if you’re not sure what we’ve put out lately, you can go here and check.

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)
  • Okkorim (48870)

Upcoming Events

Freebies and Cool Stuff

Woo-niverse Giveaways to Keep You Warm & Cozy
Woo-niverse Giveaways to Keep You Warm & Cozy

Woo-niverse Giveaways to Keep You Warm & Cozy

Hybrid Prologue
Hybrid Prologue

Plus here’s another author swap.

Check out L’Anne McMarie’s Hybrid: Protocol here:


New Releases

This week we have a new series! It’s from James Fox, and the series is the Sol Saga. Book 1 is Revolution and you can get it here: www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRZ6MZTR.

Your pre-release this week is Foiled Ambitions from John M. Olsen. This is the eleventh book in the Four Horsemen’s Phoenix Initiative. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CSKNY8FS/

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 364.2 lbs

Updated Word Count: 14,509

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Lilies War 2023

Week 23 of 2023

Greetings all

Hey, look, I remembered today is Thursday. Go me! I’m back on schedule, except for the fact that there’ll be no regular update next week as I’ll be at the War of the Lilies and not have enough internet access to post.

However, I’m going to try something out, so expect something special.

I’ve had another great week and there’s so much coming out soon!

Shadow, Ash, Prophecy
Shadow, Ash, Prophecy

Shadow, Ash, and Prophecy went to the ARC readers yesterday. If you’re on the team,  check your email. This is the 2nd book in The 27 Kingdoms by Trisha J. Wooldridge. It’s Asian-themed epic fantasy with dragons, fey, and as you can see on the cover, a tough bad guy.

By the way, with all that’s coming down the pike, I’m going to need a bunch more ARC readers. If you’re interested in becoming part of the advance team, send me an email at: rob@chriskennedypublishing.com.

But wait, there’s more! A Hope In Hell, the high-powered conclusion of Christopher G. Nuttall’s excellent Heirs of Cataclysm trilogy, is in process. The target date for release is July 11th.

And yet, even more!The Firehall Sagas, the re-release of the former World of Shijuren is nigh.

A Lake Most Deep by yours truly gets re-released on July 25th.  It’s got a new cover, an editing pass to streamline the story, but with all the same mystery and adventure.

Expect the rest of the Firehall Sagas to come out in sequence, about every 5 weeks at least through 2023 from that point.

I can’t tell you all how excited I am with this release. I love A Lake Most Deep, but it suffered from normal first-novel issues. The characters, mystery, and setting are great, but I wasn’t as good a writer in 2014 and 2015 as I am now. Not only that, it has a new opening scene I really love.

Plus wait until you see what J. Caleb Designs did for the cover. It’s amazing.

There’s also been a bunch of unpacking and organizing here. Bit by bit, the boxes are getting emptied. We can even sit at a pew or two.

Now all I have to do is learn how to back up a trailer. This hasn’t gone well yet, but I’m learning.

By the way, following the War of the Lilies, I’ll be going to Chattanooga for LibertyCon. Here’s my schedule: https://www.libertycon.org/lc35pros/rob-howell.

As you can see, Richard Groller and the rest of the programming staff have given me a great list of things to do. By the way, I’ll be reading the brand new opening scene to A Lake Most Deep.

With that, I better get back to work. Lots to do before leaving for Lilies. Have a great couple of weeks, everyone!

What I’m Listening To

Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp. Seems fitting now that I’ve move back to the Wichita area after all those years away.

Quote of the Week

Happy birthday to Jerry Stiller. You may remember him from Seinfeld, King of Queens, or as Ben Stiller’s dad.

I remember him from the videos he made for Rush concerts. Here’s one to start with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Cz9VjjvCE.

“Did I miss the band? Where’s the band? Where’s my man Lerxst? Hit me baby. And the skinny guy, Dirk. Give it to me. And the other guy. Yeah, the Professor! Where are you guys?”
– Jerry Stiller

Rob’s Riddles

I have a Patreon where I write Old English style riddles and provide snippets of my work. You can find it here: patreon.com/rhodri2112, along with a sample riddle.

First Line of Next Riddle:

With fierce heart              Defend I your soul

Latest Snippet: Chapter 5 of Farewell, My Ugly

New Mythology Works in Progress

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • Farewell, My Ugly (73,704)
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have Pirates & Payback from Nick Steverson and Melissa Olthoff. This is the second of their Salvage Treasure trilogy in the Salvage Title universe originally created by the amazing Kevin Steverson. Get your fast space opera action here: amazon.com/dp/B0C6QWXCB6.

Also in Kevin Steverson’s Salvage Title universe, It Takes All Kinds, an anthology of fun races including my story Careful with that Axe, E.U. Gene. Get it in, electronic, paper, or audio formats here: https://books2read.com/u/bQApGE.

Your pre-release this week is New Horizons by Chris Kennedy. This is a collection of sixteen of his best short stories. You don’t want to miss it. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0C7BP8PJ3.

Tracked Items

Today’s Weight: 351.8

Updated Word Count: 115,029

Firehall Sagas Archives: 737 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Souls are Seen

Week 1 of 2023

Greetings all

I hope your new year has started off well. Mine has, in general, started off really well. I’m excited about all the projects I’ve got going on, especially my new Riddle Patreon.

I really enjoy writing riddles, and have for something like 25 years now. I actually wrote one yesterday, which comes out on the 23rd of January, just sort of sitting around.

The structure on this one was fun. I suspect it’ll be one of the easier riddles I write, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

My current plan is to post something every Monday. The 2nd and 4th Mondays will have new riddles, and those will generate revenue. The other Mondays will be snippets of works in progress. I started with the first chapter of Farewell, My Ugly this week, and will go at least the opening six chapters and probably more until I switch to The Feasting of Vengeance. At least, that’s the plan, until you all suggest a better one.

I made huge progress on Bonds of Valor this week. I’ve been a bit behind on this as I’ve been catching up on a bunch of stuff, but my edits are going out. This will come out at FantaSci on March 24th.

Speaking of which, I think it’s time to announce the list of authors, and it’s one of the best lists we’ve had.

You know the winners of the contest already:

  • Justin Doyle
  • B. A. Ironwood
  • Casey Moores
  • Fiona Grey

They’ll be joined by:

  • Philippa Anastos
  • D.J. Butler
  • Glen Cook
  • Sarah Hoyt
  • Todd McCaffrey
  • Jody Lynn Nye
  • Jon R. Osborne
  • Aaron Rosenberg
  • Benjamin Tyler Smith
  • Kevin Steverson

What a list. I’m honored by all these amazing authors. Besides, who doesn’t want more Black Company, Necrolopolis, and Indrajit and Fix stories?

I also spent the week finishing A Lake Most Deep. It goes out tomorrow to a couple of alpha readers. I’ll start on The Eyes of a Doll this weekend.

And with that, it’s off to edit another story. Have a great week.

What I’m Listening To

Saturday is the anniversary of Neil’s death. Rush on repeat for the next few weeks.

Quote of the Week

Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.

Marcus Aurelius

We had a moment on Monday where death might have smiled on national TV. Damar Hamlin, a player for the Buffalo Bills, suffered cardiac arrest on the field. Great news today as Damar asked “Did we win?” He’s not out of the woods, but credit to all involved (except Roger Goodell, but I don’t have time to get into *that* rant).

The Riddles!

I have a new Patreon where I write Old English style riddles and provide snippets of my work.

You can find it here: patreon.com/rhodri2112, along with a sample riddle.

First Line of Next Riddle:

In me souls are seen        And once were stolen

Latest Snippet: Chapter 1 of Farewell, My Ugly

New Mythology Works in Progress

2023 FantaSci Short Story Contest open call.

The theme is Bonds of Valor, and you story must include deeds of valor centered around bonds between characters. This could be a romantic relationship, a buddy adventure, oaths to kings, or whatever you can come up with.

Deadline: November 30th, 2022
Word Count: 7-10,000 words
Specifics: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spaced.

Current Schedule of New Mythology Press

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • Farewell, My Ugly (58,812)
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

Out this week is Crucible of the Gods by D.T. Read. This is book 3 in The Seventh Shaman MilSF series. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0BR6ZC8TB.

Your pre-release this week is Prince: War Leader by Fred Hughes. This is the third is his action-packed Prince of Britannia series. Get it here: amazon.com/gp/product/B0BRMRHX97.

So last week, I screwed up and muddled a couple of titles and authors. I should have said, get Casey Moores’ The Guilted Cage, a new Fallen World novel, here: amazon.com/dp/B0BQRQYL86.

I mixed it up with the latest 4HU novel, To Have and to Hold, by Zane Voss, which you can get here: amazon.com/dp/B0BQ232HPN.

Ah, well.

Oh, and since I’m tossing out links, here’s Pandora’s Box, 2nd in Christopher G. Nuttall’s Heirs of Cataclysm series. It’s here: amazon.com/dp/B0BNPQ61DX.

Tracked Items

Today’s Weight: 334.2

Updated Word Count: 1,213

Firehall Sagas Archives: 740 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: When the Dragons Grow Too Mighty

Week 17 of 2022

Greetings all

This was one of those weeks where I did a bunch of work, but it’s not something that turns into specific product yet. Lots of editing, some small projects, and so on.

However, that all changes this weekend with Planet Comicon. I’ll be in booth 1746 all weekend, and I look forward to chatting with so many people.

These kind of big comicons are exhausting, and I’ll be dragging on Sunday, but they’re also inspiring and give me a great creative push, at least once I can get my head back above water.

I’ve a bunch of friends there too. Todd Fahnestock, James Young, Jennifer Stolzer, and a host of others. That’s part of the fun, and it’s been way too long since I’ve seen a bunch of these.

The Door Into Winter comes out on the 10th of May, and of course, that’s also exciting. Release dates are kind of like Christmas, in that you have to wait to open the presents, or in this case, the response.

I’m going to cut it short for now, because I set up today and we also recorded another Dudes in Hyperspace podcast, and I’m beat.

What I’m Listening To

The clacking of my mechanical keyboard. I’m so tired I didn’t put on my headphones to listen to anything.

Quote of the Week

Yesterday I got to see Primus for the first time. They’ve been on my list, and this was especially the concert for me as they played all of Rush’s A Farewell to Kings. They did really well, and it’s been a while since I had a Rush quote. This one’s from Madrigal, which is not one of Rush’s more well-known songs, but I love these lyrics.

And I’m so lucky to have finally found the “you” mentioned in the last line.

When the dragons grow too mighty
To slay with pen or sword
I grow weary of the battle
And the storm I walk toward
When all around is madness
And there’s no safe port in view
I long to turn my path homeward
To stop awhile with you
– Rush, Madrigal

Dudes In Hyperspace

Follow the Dudes In Hyperspace here:

The latest show includes stuff on the Masters, which didn’t turn out nearly as dramatic as they often do.

Cool Stuff In Eldros Legacy

Get five free stories and signed up with the Eldros Legacy mailing list! Here There Be Giants is at: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/qabsr57lq3+.

The Door Into Winter by me is coming soon!

Currently available:

New Mythology Works in Progress

2023 FantaSci Short Story Contest open call.

The theme is Bonds of Valor, and you story must include deeds of valor centered around bonds between characters. This could be a romantic relationship, a buddy adventure, oaths to kings, or whatever you can come up with.

Deadline: November 30th, 2022
Word Count: 7-10,000 words
Specifics: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spaced.

I’m currently working on The Door Into Winter, my next novel.


None this week so you can take a break. As one subscriber said, I’m running out of time with all this awesome free stuff! More to come next week, so better catch up quick.

Rob’s Works in Progress
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • CB (8,418)
  • VAL (571)
Upcoming Events
New Releases

New stuff in the Fallen World! Among the Embers is a new anthology with Kevin Steverson, Marisa Wolf, Jon R. Osborne, and, of course, the universe founder, Christopher Woods, plus a bunch of other great authors. You can get it here:

Tracked Items

Today’s Weight: 322.6

Updated Word Count: 136,524

Eldros Legacy Archives: 813 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Founder in the Eldros Legacy series

Rob’s Update: A Huge Week

Week 14 of 2022

Greetings all

So much to talk about this week!

First, I had a great time at FantaSci. Here’s the full FantaSci AAR: robhowell.org/blog/?p=2653.

Keen Edge of Valor
Keen Edge of Valor

While there, we released Keen Edge of Valor. Thanks to all who supported the release and participated in its creation. It’s a great anthology and I’m proud of what we’ve done. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09W91TP24/.

I also got to make two announcements. First, the finalists for the FantaSci Short Story contest were C.M. DeMott, Nathan Balyeat, Jonathan Miller, and Chris Hepler. Chris Hepler, with his story “The Torturer of Camelot,” was this year’s winner. Here’s an interview with our winner: robhowell.org/blog/?p=2645.

Secondly, I announced the theme for next year’s Short Story Contest. 2023 will be Bonds of Valor, and you story must include deeds of valor centered around bonds between characters. This could be a romantic relationship, a buddy adventure, oaths to kings, or whatever you can come up with. Specifics on the submission guidelines are below in the New Mythology section.

Deadly Fortune
Deadly Fortune

And now we’re five days away from our next release, Deadly Fortune, by Aaron Rosenberg. This is the next Eldros Legacy novel. It’s a swashbuckling take of pirates, murder, and intrigue and a lot of fun.

Then there was Tuesday night, where I did a fun interview with Cursed Dragon Ship on Twitch.tv. You can find it here: twitch.tv/curseddragonship. Many thanks to Kelly Colby for hosting me. I had a great time.

Now for the fun vaguebook part. My sweetie went on a trip last night and there might be some cool fun changes to our life coming out of it.

What a week.

What I’m Listening To

The Eagle Against the Sun, a War in the Pacific documentary. I’m in a WW2 mood today for some reason, and it’s been exactly what I wanted.

Quote of the Week

A brilliant quote from Gordie Howe today.

“All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.”
– Gordie Howe

Dudes In Hyperspace

Follow the Dudes In Hyperspace here:

The latest show includes a review of Batman and some great podmail questions.

Cool Stuff In Eldros Legacy

Get five free stories and signed up with the Eldros Legacy mailing list! Here There Be Giants is at: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/qabsr57lq3+.

Deadly Fortune by Aaron Rosenberg is coming next Tuesday! It’s a fun swashbuckling tale of pirates, murder, and intrigue.

Currently available:

New Mythology Works in Progress

2023 FantaSci Short Story Contest open call.

The theme is Bonds of Valor, and you story must include deeds of valor centered around bonds between characters. This could be a romantic relationship, a buddy adventure, oaths to kings, or whatever you can come up with.

Deadline: November 30th, 2022
Word Count: 7-10,000 words
Specifics: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spaced.

I’m currently working on The Door Into Winter, my next novel.

Rob’s Works in Progress
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • CB (8,418)
Upcoming Events
New Releases

So much going on in CKP at FantaSci. First, let’s go with Titans Rising, which is a book on the business of writing genre fiction in the 21st century. It includes stuff by Chris Kennedy, Kevin J. Anderson, Toni Weisskopf, and a bunch of other big names. You can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09W8SV9QY.

Then we have Redacted Weapon, a new Four Horsemen Universe novel by Kevin Ikenson and Kevin Steverberry… errr… I mean, Kevin Ikenberry and Kevin Steverson. By the Kevins! That’s it, that’s what we’ll go with. Anyway, it’s another story about the Peacemakers and you can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09W8LYXNJ.

And finally, there’s Keen Edge of Valor, the third anthology in the Libri Valoris, the Books of Valor. You can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09W91TP24/.

Tracked Items

Today’s Weight: 326.3

Updated Word Count: 129,772

Eldros Legacy Archives: 813 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Founder in the Eldros Legacy series

Rob’s Ramblings: FantaSci 2022 AAR

Greetings all

I’m home after a great time at FantaSci. This con is in the Research Triangle in North Carolina, so it’s a bit of a hike from Kansas City, but it’s well worth it. To put it this way, I have already bought my pass for 2023.

I got to the hotel on Thursday afternoon, and began the hanging out almost immediately. The best part of cons isn’t really the con, though all of it is necessary for my business, it’s the people.

The first afternoon at cons is therefore a great time of re-connecting. Then, Thursday evening we went to Trali Irish Pub for a group dinner. Then, there was drinking at the bar.

I got to bed far too late.

Friday, I had some errands to run for the CKP Party on Saturday night, then I was back for three straight panels.

Keen Edge of Valor
Keen Edge of Valor

First, we had the release panel for Keen Edge of Valor. In this, we get as many authors who are in the anthology to come to the panel and talk about their story. It’s fun to share all the cool stuff in an anthology, and we had a great time because it’s a great anthology.

Get it here, by the way: amazon.com/dp/B09W91TP24/

Then we had a panel on Killing People and Breaking Stuff, including Mark Wandrey as moderator, Joshua Palmatier, Monalisa Foster, and William Joseph Roberts. This went over how much combat and violence to put in a story. The basic answer is that each of us have to develop a style that works with whatever genre we’re writing in.

Last on Friday night was perhaps my favorite panel on the week, talking about making books into movies. Carolyn Kay did a great job as moderator. Chaz Kemp, Cathy DeMott, and I went over a wide variety of topics and it was a hoot.

Then on Saturday we started with the Chris Kennedy Publishing Year Ahead panel. TL:DR is that there’s a bunch of great stuff coming. For the long version, go to chriskennedypublishing.com.

I had a bit of a break then before going into a panel on podcasting. There weren’t many people in the hall, but that became a good thing as Ian J. Malone sort of turned it into a roundtable. It was a blast, especially because Nicole Givens Kurtz is a hoot, and very, very sharp. Plus there was Kevin Steverson. Really good panel.

Immediately after, we had a great panel on overcoming Writer’s Block with Mark Stallings and Mark Jack Stoumbos. There are tools we can use, but one thing I want to emphasize is that we need to differentiate between those times when writer’s block has to do with the story and times when it has to do with fatigue, frustration, depression, and other things with the writer.

Then I had another panel on alternate history. I didn’t prepare for this as well as I should as moderator because I didn’t find out about it until Saturday afternoon. This is all on me because it was in the program, I just didn’t notice it.

Anyway, I had a Chuck Gannon and Dave Butler on the panel, along with Jason Cordova and Chris Kennedy, so I didn’t have to do much. They just got to riffing on stuff back and forth. At least I’m smart enough to sit back and let them go.

That was my last panel of the day, but then there was a huge evening of socializing. The Four Horsemen Dining Out that FantaSci hosts is unique, as far as I know, and an amazing experience.

Side note: Nick Steverson started the Dining Out off with a bang.

Anyway, then we had the CKP party, which went well as far as I could tell. All I  know is I spent Saturday night chatting and schmoozing until late in the night.

This last part was an issue, because on Sunday morning at 9am I hosted the New Mythology Press year ahead panel. I was really impressed with how many we got to come out on Sunday morning, because I for one wouldn’t have minded sleeping in.

Deadly Fortune
Deadly Fortune

The big announcement was the cover reveal for Deadly Fortune by Aaron Rosenberg. This is a swashbuckling private eye novel with swords and intrigue and pirates.

Then there was time to hang out until Closing Ceremonies. I got to announce the winners of the FantaSci Short Story Contest.

The four finalists were C.M. DeMott, Nathan Balyeat, Chris Hepler, and Jonathan Miller. The winner was Chris Hepler, with his story “The Torturer of Camelot.” A great story that was at the top of my list from the start.

I also announced next year’s anthology theme. It will be entitled Bonds of Valor and while the primary theme of deeds of valor remains unchanged, we’re also adding a subtheme of bonds between characters.

This includes characters in a romantic relationship, buddy adventures, oaths sworn to others, and any other bond between characters.

The submission details are:
Deadline: November 30th, 2022
Word Count: 7-10,000 words
Specifics: Times New Roman, 12 point, and 1.5 line spacing.

Get writing!

As for me, I’m going to look forward to FantaSci 2023. Tickets are available here: fantasci.rocks/

See you there!


Rob’s Update: Muppet Flail

Week 47 of 2021

Greetings all

What a busy week here. First, we’re getting ready for the release of Khyven the Unkillable by Todd Fahnestock, the first novel in the Eldros Legacy.

I’m like a kid in a candy store. We’ve been setting this up since January so that we can make sure you get something awesome. My words of the week have been “Muppet Flail!” because I’m so excited.

Part of that is the reaction of our advance reviewers. Zach R., in particular, said “Can’t wait for JAN-APR of next year for the rapid release. Also can’t wait to see what kind of magic Khyven has and how Nhevaz plays further into the story. Very enjoyable fantasy overall.”

Oh, and if you’re interested, you’re just in time for the map reveal for the continent of Noksonon, which is the continent created by Todd. There are two maps, one of the whole continent and one for the events in Khyven the Unkillable and they’re here: eldroslegacy.com/archive/tiki-index.php?page=Maps-of-Noksonon.

Speaking of releases, The Ravening of Wolves, my second Four Horsemen novel, came out on audio yesterday. Thanks to the awesome Daniel Wisniewski and Chris Kenneday for all their work making this happen. You can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09MSWF9K1.

By the way, should you want to read or listen to The Feeding of Sorrows, which is the first of the two novels, you can get it on audio here: amazon.com/dp/B08K9DX13G/.

Also this week, we did another Dudes in Hyperspace podcast, this one starring Todd Fahnestock. You can find our podcasts here: sharkflight.com/dudes/.

Speaking of the Dudes in Hyperspace, it’s long past time I stuck a new section into these posts about that show. Ian J. Malone and Kevin Steverson have been great to work with and we’re doing some good stuff there.

I also got another 8000 or so words done with The Door Into Winter. This is shaping up to be the best novel I’ve ever written so far. That’s as it should be, of course, as I should be getting better, but I’m pleased anyway.

The open call for the FantaSci 2022 Short Story contest ended on Tuesday. As usual, we got around thirty entrants, which I’m always pleased to see. I’m running through the stories right now and will have the decision made this weekend for the four who made the cut. Also as usual, it’s going to be a tough choice, I can tell that already. Man, there are a lot of great writers out there.

What I’m Listening To

Gretchen Goes to Nebraska by King’s X. This is one of my all time favorite albums. In my top ten even if you include Rush albums. Yes, I’m saying I like this album more than some Rush ones. That’s how good it is. I distinctly remember the exact moment when I heard the opening bit of Out of the Silent Planet, the first song. I fell in love within four notes.

Quote of the Week

“Here there be Giants!”
– Marie Whittaker

Marie came up with this because she needed a place-holder for something during the process of creating the Eldros Legacy. The rest of us went “That’s cool!” and it’s become one of our taglines.

On Tuesday, then, “Here there be Giants!”

Dudes In Hyperspace

Follow the Dudes In Hyperspace at sharkflight.com/dudes/

The latest show includes an interview with Todd Fahnestock, one of the Founders of the Eldros Legacy.

Cool Stuff In Eldros Legacy

Get five free stories and signed up with the Eldros Legacy mailing list! Here There Be Giants is at: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/qabsr57lq3+.

Next week, I’ll do the cover reveal for Seeds of Dominion, the second novel.

But if you’d like some more EL stuff now, go get Talons & Talismans II, which has 8 Eldros Legacy stories. You can find it here: amazon.com/dp/B09L44T5XW

New Mythology Works in Progress

We have no current open anthology calls but will have a new one in January.

I’m currently working on picking through the entrants who submitted for the next Valor anthology. I’ll announce those this upcoming weekend. There are a bunch of good ones and it’s hard to pick.

Rob’s Works in Progress
  • The Door Into Winter (55,612)
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • CB (8,418)
  • FN (755)
Upcoming Events
New Releases

The Ravening of Wolves, my second Four Horsemen novel, came out on audio yesterday. You can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B09MSWF9K1.

Speaking of the 4HU, there’s a new novel there entitled Three Steps to Oblivion by Chris Kennedy and Ian J. Malone.  You can get that here: amazon.com/dp/B09MH57TQ2.

Tracked Items

Today’s Weight: 334.0

Updated Word Count: 353,806

Eldros Legacy Archives: 787 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Founder in the Eldros Legacy series

Rob’s Update: Riding the Whirlwind

Week 43 of 2021

Greetings all

It is an absolute whirlwind for me right now, in a great way.

Talons and Talisman II
Talons and Talisman II

The House Between Worlds came out on the 26th. The reviews are great (4.7 out of 5), as I expected, because it’s a great book. You can get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09K4RRMP6.

Talons & Talismans II comes out next Tuesday, the 9th. Already heard back from some reviewers and they’re excited, not just about the window into the Eldros Legacy. Here’s the great cover done by J. Caleb Designs. A Manticore, a Goblin, and a Unicorn, oh my!

Speaking of the Eldros Legacy, our first monthly newsletter went out last week. That’ll be the fourth Thursday each month and you’d like to join, go here: https://www.eldroslegacy.com/contact/newsletter/.

Khyven the Unkillable, by Todd Fahnestock, the first Eldros Legacy novel, goes out to advance readers late next week. They’re gonna love it.

Showed the Eldros Legacy Founders J. Caleb Design’s art for the 2nd EL novel, Seeds of Dominion, this week. Ooohs and ahhhs from all, especially Quincy J. Allen, the author.

Oh, and there are FOUR giveaways this week, not counting Here There Be Giants.

Didn’t write as much this week as I wanted to, mostly because I was recovering and re-adjusting to home after the trip. This is not surprising. In fact, it’s something I’ve come to expect and plan for. I normally work two or three half-shifts a day to let my mind refresh. I allowed myself a couple days of only one this week to recover.

But I’m completely back now and excited to go. So I better toss words on the page.

What I’m Listening To

Stuff overhead at Brewbaker’s. Speaking of which, I’m going to have something fun to announce about this place coming soon.

Quote of the Week

Happy 142nd to Will Rogers! He has so many quotes. Here’s one, and, well, I know which category I fall into.

“There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”

– Will Rogers

Cool Stuff In Eldros Legacy
Khyven the Unkillable
Khyven the Unkillable

Talons & Talismans II has eight Eldros Legacy stories, and the advance readers have already shown their enthusiasm to me.

if that’s not enough, you can get five free Eldros Legacy stories here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/qabsr57lq3+.

Oh, and if you haven’t seen it already, here’s the cover for Khyven the Unkillable, coming out on 7 December.

New Mythology Works in Progress

Current open anthology calls:

I’m currently working on Seeds of Dominion, book 2 of the Eldros Legacy. It’s getting there. After that, I’ll be turning toward Embers & Ash by Marie Whittaker, book 3.

I’m also starting work on something that will, I hope, occupy a large chunk of our production schedule of 2022. Let’s just say I finished the first novel in one night because I couldn’t put it down. How’s that for vaguebooking?

Free Mythology Stories (Fantasy & Paranormal)
Free Mythology Stories (Fantasy & Paranormal)

Free Mythology Stories (Fantasy & Paranormal)


Free Fantasy Reads + Paperback Giveaway
Free Fantasy Reads + Paperback Giveaway

Free Fantasy Reads + Paperback Giveaway


YA & NA Books
YA & NA Books

YA & NA Books





Rob’s Works in Progress
  • The Door Into Winter (25,797)
  • Rick Blaine (8,845)
  • CB (8,418)
Upcoming Events
New Releases

It’s a double week at CKP, with new stuff in our two biggest franchises.

First, there’s It Takes More Kinds, an anthology in Kevin Steverson’s Salvage Title universe. This is the follow-up to It Takes All Kinds, which included my story “Careful With That Axe, E.U. Gene.” Like the first anthology, It Takes More Kinds is an anthology of new alien races in this universe. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KPF57JN.

Second is Harbinger from Kevin Ikenberry. This is the 10th book in the Rise of the Peacemakers thread within the Four Horsemen universe. This thread starts with Redacted Affairs, which is a must read for all 4HU fans. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KGFDFLN.

Whew! What a week!

Tracked Items

Today’s Weight: 332.8

Updated Word Count: 322,472

Eldros Legacy Archives: 797 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Founder in the Eldros Legacy series