Week 3 of 2025
Greetings all
It’ll be a shortish newsletter this week as I’m in Chattanooga at ChattaCon. I look forward to seeing a bunch of you here!

But first, here’s a cover reveal for The Feasting of Vengeance, which comes out on February 14th!
Here’s my schedule:
- Opening Ceremonies starting at 7pm on Friday. I have something special planned. You want to join us!
- 8pm on Friday: I get to play Tales of the Valiant on stage with Chelsea Steverson, Gaming GOH
- 10pm on Friday: Victorian Vulgarities. I get to make up appropriate curse words. Bwa ha, bwa ha ha!
- 2pm on Saturday: I have the opportunity to interview Gail Z. Martin, the GOH
- 4pm on Saturday: We talk about good secondary characters in Urban Fantasy
- Noon on Sunday: A discussion of 20th century SF
- 1pm on Sunday: Final questions for all the GOHs, including me
This is going to be a blast! And now I’m off to hang out with all the cool people here.
What I’m Listening To
I listened to Dragons of Autumn Twilight, book 1 of the DragonLance Chronicles on the trip, and I’ve got it going in the hotel room.
Quote of the Week
Sigh. There are a number of deaths in my sphere this week. Howard Andrew Jones, an excellent author I was looking forward to really getting to know over the years, passed today. So did Bob Uecker.
And so did Bob Hill, my stepfather. I wish I’d gotten to know him too.
I’m in an odd mood where the Stoicism of Marcus Aurelius is a bit of a comfort.
“Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.”
– Marcus Aurelius
Rob’s Works in Progress
- Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
Upcoming Events
- ChattaCon, January 17-19, Chattanooga, TN
I’m the Toastmaster! - FenCon, February 14-16, Dallas, TX
fencon.org/ - Gulf Wars, March 8-16, Lumberton, MS
gulfwars.org/ - GaryCon, March 20-23, Lake Geneva, WI
garycon.com/ - LibertyCon, June 20-22, Chattanooga, TN
libertycon.org/ - Pennsic War, July 25 – August 10, Slippery Rock, PA
Tracked Items
My Weight Today: 362.2lbs
Updated Word Count: 2474
Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.
Have a great week, everyone.
Rob Howell
Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe
- Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/-/e/B00X95LBB0
- Website: robhowell.org
- Blog: robhowell.org/blog
- The Firehall Sagas: firehallsagas.com/
- Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/robho
well.org/ - Twitter: twitter.com/Rhodri2112