Rob’s Update: ChattaCon

Week 3 of 2025

Greetings all

It’ll be a shortish newsletter this week as I’m in Chattanooga at ChattaCon. I look forward to seeing a bunch of you here!

The Feasting of Vengeance
The Feasting of Vengeance

But first, here’s a cover reveal for The Feasting of Vengeance, which comes out on February 14th!

Here’s my schedule:

  • Opening Ceremonies starting at 7pm on Friday. I have something special planned. You want to join us!
  • 8pm on Friday: I get to play Tales of the Valiant on stage with Chelsea Steverson, Gaming GOH
  • 10pm on Friday: Victorian Vulgarities. I get to make up appropriate curse words. Bwa ha, bwa ha ha!
  • 2pm on Saturday: I have the opportunity to interview Gail Z. Martin, the GOH
  • 4pm on Saturday: We talk about good secondary characters in Urban Fantasy
  • Noon on Sunday: A discussion of 20th century SF
  • 1pm on Sunday: Final questions for all the GOHs, including me

This is going to be a blast! And now I’m off to hang out with all the cool people here.

What I’m Listening To

I listened to Dragons of Autumn Twilight, book 1 of the DragonLance Chronicles on the trip, and I’ve got it going in the hotel room.

Quote of the Week

Sigh. There are a number of deaths in my sphere this week. Howard Andrew Jones, an excellent author I was looking forward to really getting to know over the years, passed today. So did Bob Uecker.

And so did Bob Hill, my stepfather. I wish I’d gotten to know him too.

I’m in an odd mood where the Stoicism of Marcus Aurelius is a bit of a comfort.

“Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.”
– Marcus Aurelius

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)

Upcoming Events

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 362.2lbs

Updated Word Count: 2474

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

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