Tag Archives: Bill Fawcett

Rob’s Update: Home is Where the Heat Is

Week 27 of 2024

Greetings all

i’m home from LibertyCon. What a great time, as always. Here’s my full AAR if you’re interested: robhowell.org/blog/?p=3534. The TL:DR version is basically that there’s never enough time to properly wallow in the great adopted family there.

The big announcement I made there was an upcoming series from Aaron Rosenberg. This man is ridiculously talented and has proven it in universes such as Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis, and Warhammer 40k. Now he brings us his own series, the BEO Files. You’re going to love them when the come out in spring/early summer of 2025.

Lots of stuff is percolating in the Milesian Accords as well. Jon R. Osborne is not only adding to his main line that starts with A Reluctant Druid, he’s joined by H.Y. Gregor and David Shadoin to bring two more threads into the universe. After that, who knows?

I’m going through the submissions and by the end of the summer, I hope to have similar announcements. Exciting times.

I’ve not done much this week, but of course, that was to be expected since I was LibertyCon and the travel back was grueling. I did get some writing done at the con, but not as much as I’d like.

Then, of course, the drive took it out of me. I’m basically back in the saddle now, but I’ve learned not to push it.

Next week, however, promises to be pretty productive as we roll into July 4th weekend. It is, however, hot! Of course, it’s always hot this time of year in southern Kansas, so it’s to be expected. Home is definitely where the heat is.

Have a great week everyone!

What I’m Listening To

Freebird. Need I say more? I suppose I do, actually, as it’s a live version that I love. I think the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert I saw in 2019 is the last show I’ve caught. I’m glad I got to see them. Another bucket list item.

Quote of the Week

June 27th is a bland day for birthdays, but a sad day for bassists as both John Entwhistle (2002) of the Who and Chris Squire (2015) of Yes died on this day. Two of the best to ever do it, and here’s a quote from one of these music legends.

“Being called a ‘music legend’ is a very funny thing. It’s nice to know that my work has been appreciated and that people have given me that status. On a personal level, however, I can’t think about it too much. It means a lot… but then it doesn’t.”
– Chris Squire

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: patreon.com/rhodri2112. Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

Great treasures I hold, Trading past for present

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

This week’s snippet is Chapter Two of The Feasting of Vengeance.

Dragon’s Tidings

We’ll be closed on July 4th but open on the 5th and 6th. Have a great holiday everyone!

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (29,799)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have the start of a new series, the Other Reaches, by A.J. Gordon and Peter J. Aldin. It’s entitled Iconic and you can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CW1HBPPS.

Your pre-release this week is more from the amazing Bill Fawcett and Casey Moores. It’s No Further, book 3 in their Blood and Armor series. This series is rapidly becoming one of my favorites, and you’re not going to want to miss it! There’s a new player in the arena that wants to wipe out the Kurdish Republic, but the peshmerga aren’t going down without a fight! Get it here: amazon.com/dp/product/B0D842YY8L.

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 371.0lbs

Updated Word Count: 112,000

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Open Call Starting Soon

Postcard Front

Week 23 of 2024

Greetings all

A pretty productive week here despite taking some time off for Memorial Day. Once again, thanks to the memory of those who sacrificed for us all.

I’m over 20k on The Feasting of Vengeance and it’s still flowing smoothly. It’s a blast to write, will be just as much a blast to read with as many blasts, explosions, and rounds downrange as I can fit inside.

I Smell a Rat
I Smell a Rat

And there’s more in the Foresters saga coming! July 12th, we have Bureau 42, which includes I Smell a Rat by myself and Dan Bridgwater. Check out the amazing image Dan made using the cool cover art!

Also this week, I received Responsibility of the Fleet, book 3 in G. Scott Huggins’ excellent Endless Ocean series. I don’t have a firm release date, but I’m excited to see this amazing trilogy get finished. Don’t have the first two? Get them here: amazon.com/dp/B095CXTH85.

Postcard Front

I also spent this week catching up on some smaller projects. I’ve needed to update the cards I hand out at events, so here’s the front and back. As you can see, they’re much flashier than the Firehall Sagas cards I was handing out, plus it’s got all my relevant social media and Amazon details. I really like how they turned out.

I did a goodly amount of Okkorim work as well. By the way, there’s some special stuff coming out soon that I can’t wait to talk about from some folks you might already know. Exciting times!

Man, I’m enjoying having all this work. I’ve had times in my life where I didn’t have enough to do and I much prefer it this way.

Speaking of which, the open call for novel/trilogy submissions starts on Saturday! Send me stuff to read! Here are the details: chriskennedypublishing.com/2024/04/25/new-mythology-open-call/.

And with that, I wish you all a great week!

What I’m Listening To

Nothing, actually. I was only going to sit down and do a short task, so didn’t pop up my MP3 player, but got to doing things and didn’t notice until now.

Quote of the Week

Happy birthday to Mel Blanc! He’s be 116 today.

It’s amazing just how good Looney Tones really was. Great characters. Good stories. Images that remain with us.

“We didn’t make pictures for children. We didn’t make pictures for adults. We made them for ourselves”
– Mel Blanc

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: patreon.com/rhodri2112. Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

I dash to and fro     Daring dire perils

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

The current snippet is Chapter 1 of The Feasting of Vengeance.

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details: chriskennedypublishing.com/2024/04/25/new-mythology-open-call/.

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/.

The Ruriksaga is out! Get this one here: amazon.com/dp/B0D35XF4RJ.

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (21,171)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

New stuff from Bill Fawcett and Casey Moores! It’s the second book in Bill’s Blood and Armor series called No Fail. Get it here:https://amazon.com/dp/B0D3VLLPB6.

Your pre-release this week is from Kacey Ezell and Chris Kennedy. It’s The Conqueror’s Promise, the third book in their amazing Ashes of Entecea series. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CW1HTN4M/.

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 372.0lbs

Updated Word Count: 107,439

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Though Poppies Blow

Week 22 of 2024

Greetings all

Whew! Balloon Fest was something else! We had a great time in the morning, but then the sun went past the building that shaded us and later on it got really hot. It might have only been 91 or so, but in the sun, and the fact nobody’s used to that heat yet, it was too much.

Balloon Fest
Balloon Fest

But it went well. I sold a reasonable number of books, but better yet, I told a bunch of folks about our quilt store. We did very nicely in the store, especially since as far as I could tell, all of them were first-time customers.

We sold a couple of sodas, which wasn’t worth the effort. We have them in the store, but people bought them from Higher Grounds who were next to me. Still, it was nice to be able to spread out for 16feet of table space.

I heard great things about the ESports tournament I set up. About 15 people played, they liked the prizes we got, and it went very well. Not bad for an idea I thought up literally on March 29th. We’ll do it again next year, but with advance planning and publicity. Hopefully, we’ll make it something cool for the region, not just Anthony.

Because of Balloon Fest, I didn’t have as many writing days as I’d hoped for, but I still got about 5k written. I started doing sprints again. I’ve finally figured out the new version of the Discord sprint bot that I installed on the New Mythology Press server, but it’ll take a bit for it to get instinctive again. The old way was much smoother. Ah, well, progress.


Speaking of progress, we had a great week of folks buying all of the Firehall Sagas, including the Ruriksaga. Thanks very much! Keep up the good work!

On that note, have a great long weekend.

What I’m Listening To

Cygnus X-1 by Rush. Wheeling around the galaxy on my ship the Rocinante. Wouldn’t that be fun?

Quote of the Week

This weekend is Memorial Day. This week’s quote is the entirety of In Flanders Field by John McCrae. Here’s his Wikipedia page, by the way, which talks about him writing the poem: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCrae.

This poem is special to me because my grandfather served in World War One at the age of 14. They knew he lied about his age to go overseas, but they couldn’t prove it, so they had him and all the others who did likewise assigned to the Forestry Corps. Their job was to cut down trees for trenches and do whatever else was needed. This included pulling wagons with dead and wounded.

Can you imagine? At 14? Yeeesh. Anyway, have a great Memorial Day everyone.

  In Flanders Fields
In Flanders Fields, the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead, short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
– John McCrae

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: patreon.com/rhodri2112. Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

I am the killer of worlds and     Keeper of trust

Interestingly, I had more guesses than normal from this first line. All the guesses fit the first line, but none of them fit the rest of the riddle.

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

This week’s snippet is Chapter 1 of The Feasting of Vengeance.

Dragon’s Tidings

We are closed on Monday for Memorial Day.

However, check out our Facebook page to see our first two graduates from our quilting class showing off their new quilts!

Also, check our website (www.reddragonquilts.com) for our May 30% off special!

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details: chriskennedypublishing.com/2024/04/25/new-mythology-open-call/.

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/.

The Ruriksaga is out! Get this one here: amazon.com/dp/B0D35XF4RJ.

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (14,152)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have D.T. Read’s fifth book in her Seventh Shaman series, Trial by the Gods. It superbly blends Native American mythos with far future scifi. It’s one of a kind, and well worth giving a look! Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0D46LXS5G/.

Your pre-release this week is from Bill Fawcett and Casey Moores! It’s the second book in Bill’s Blood and Armor series called No Fail. Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 376.0lbs

Updated Word Count: 106,690

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Home Is The Hunter

Week 18 of 2024

Greetings all

I’m home from FantaSci! I even have an AAR: robhowell.org/blog/?p=3481.

The best part of FantaSci for me was to be with the portion of the tribe I’ve not had a chance to see since LibertyCon, really. That crew is awesome and it was just too long since I’d seen them.

Paladins of Valor
Paladins of Valor

The Paladins of Valorrelease went very well! Thanks to all who’ve already bought it and reviewed it. If you haven’t gotten it yet, get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/.

At FantaSci, we announced this is the last of the Valor anthologies for the foreseeable future. They’ve been awesome, but it’s time for New Mythology to shift its focus.

Hence, we’re having an open call for longform stuff from June 1st to June 10th. Here are the details: chriskennedypublishing.com/2024/04/25/new-mythology-open-call/.

If you read the FantaSci AAR, you basically cover my week since the last update. I’ve been recovering the past two days, so I didn’t do much writing or editing. I did get a project done in Okkorim, however. You’ll get it soon if you’re in the GaxxWorx Patreon.

That being said, the last six weeks have been weak on the writing/editing side since I’ve been on the road so much. I actually had planned to go to Foolzcon this weekend, but I just don’t want to drive anywhere. In fact, I’m basically down to local stuff up until LibertyCon. I need the break.

There will be some fun doings here in Anthony, though. May 18th is BalloonFest, which should be awesome. I will have more to say on that in upcoming weeks. Also, David Birdsall is joining us to run some Star Wars game on May the 4th, then we watch Star Wars: A New Hope in the 1936 art deco theater here. Gonna be a great day.

And look here, I’m officially part of Harper County! I’m on the list of local authors at the Harper City Library: harper.scklslibrary.info/local-author-links/.  Thanks to the folks at the library for doing that!

And with that, I’m off to start another project.

What I’m Listening To

Icarus Dream Suite 4 performed by Yngwie Malmsteen. It’s basically Adagio in G Minor, and Yngwie is, above all else, a master at turning classical music into metal.

Quote of the Week

April 25th is an interesting day for birthdays, including Oliver Cromwell, Guglielmo Marconi, Meadowlark Lemon, and Al Pacino. However, it’s also the birthday of La Marseillaise.

Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons !
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons
– La Marseillaise

New Mythology Works in Progress

I’m pleased to announce New Mythology’s open call for novels and series. Here are the details: chriskennedypublishing.com/2024/04/25/new-mythology-open-call/.

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have Never Again, the first book in Bill Fawcett’s new Blood and Armor series. I’m incredibly stoked to have Bill in the CKP crew. Get this one here: amazon.com/dp/B0CW18N86G.

Your pre-release this week is The King’s Daughter by Kacey Ezell and Chris Kennedy is out! This is book 2 in the Ashes of Entecea series which is going to be our next big shared world, I think. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0D2JYKN61.

Paladins of Valor is out! Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/.

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 374.8lbs

Updated Word Count: 94,803

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: Laying On Hands

Week 17 of 2024

Greetings all

I’m at FantaSci!!!

Paladins Table of Contents
Paladins Table of Contents

It’s been a long time since I’ve been with this tribe. Not since LibertyCon, so nigh unto 10 months. I’ve really missed these folk and been looking forward to getting here.

Of course, you can lay your hands on (see what I did there) Paladins of Valor tomorrow! Check out the awesome art and the amazing list of authors in the Table of Contents. It’s really awesome.

Pre-order it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/.

One of the people I’m most looking forward to seeing is Chris Kennedy. He’s made all this happen and it’s too long since I bought him a beverage.

Most of this week has been about logistics, both getting to the event (which is a decent drive) or things for the store, but I did get a really cool thing written for Okkorim over the weekend. As usual, I can’t talk details, but I can say it’ll be one of the ways innovative DMs will make Okkorim their own.

I’m sure I have more to say, but I’m at a con and I’m getting distracted. Shocking, I now. Catch you all next week!

What I’m Listening To

The sound of friends chatting in the hotel lobby. Pretty darn awesome.

Quote of the Week

On this day in 1943, the plane holding Isoruku Yamamoto was shot down. You’ve probably heard the famous quote by him, but here’s another along the same vein.

“A military man can scarcely pride himself on having smitten a sleeping enemy; it is more a matter of shame, simply, for the one smitten.”
– Isoroku Yamamoto

New Mythology Works in Progress

Paladins Table of Contents
Paladins Table of Contents

It’s live tomorrow here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/!!!

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week’s release is Prince Dominator, the eighth book in Fred Hughes’ Prince of Britannia series. Hazard has taken the Sol System… but will he be able to hold onto it while getting the information back to Britannia? Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0D19WN6HN.

Your pre-release this week is Never Again is the first book in Bill Fawcett’s new Blood and Armor series. Bill Fawcett? THE Bill Fawcett who’s list of accomplishments in SF is a mile long? That one?

Yep, that’s the one. Get Never Again  here: amazon.com/dp/B0CW18N86G.

And then, of course, there’s Paladins of Valor out tomorrow!

They defend the weak, no matter the time, place, or foe.

They stand up for others in the cold dark of space, the dusty Wild West, and lands of mystical empires.

They fight with any weapon that can help them save those behind them, whether it’s battlemechs, magic, swords, or even Sharps rifles. Along the way, they discover they can be more than they ever thought.

So come join us as we visit, in fourteen great stories, the worlds of Hanuvar, the Black Company, Kish, the Milesian Accords, and more great universes because there are always those who stand up for those who can’t.

We call them paladins.

Pre-order it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T4DHG/.

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 369.6 lbs

Updated Word Count: 94,188

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

Rob’s Update: 2019 in Review

Greetings all

2019 was my best year ever. Thanks to all the readers who supported my writing throughout the year. It couldn’t have happened without you.

Things I published in 2019:

I’m incredibly pleased at the success of these stories. Four of those, including all 3 Phases of Mars anthologies and The Feeding of Sorrows, earned at least one orange tag.

An orange tag on Amazon signifies it’s a bestseller. Now I can add “Amazon Bestselling Author” to my bio. That’s pretty darn awesome.

I’m also pleased that I still love all six of these tales. I am never pleased with the quality of writing in any of my past stories, because with each new one I get better. However, the tales are all good. I know this because I still cry at the end of each one.

If I don’t get emotional reading my stuff, I can’t expect you to do so either. I still get emotional on all of them.

The biggest negative of 2019 is that I didn’t get None Call Me Mother published. I had even hoped to make progress on Edward 4, but that was always only a faint hope.

Despite that, I’m not displeased with my writing output. I’m up to 93k on None Call Me Mother, so it’s getting close. I chose to write The Feeding of Sorrows instead and it was a great decision.

I also chose to follow Bill Fawcett’s advice. He said to me at LibertyCon in 2018 that I should write more short stories. I’d be an idiot if I didn’t pay attention to him. I may yet be an idiot, but not about this.

My goal is two or three novels a year and four or more short stories. I came really close if I count the words I actually wrote in 2019. I wrote about 75k of The Feeding of Sorrows and about 20k towards its sequel. I wrote about 80k in None Call Me Mother in 2019. I also worked on a couple of special projects I’ll announce when I post my look ahead to 2020. All told, I submitted six short stories (one yet to come), and wrote about 175k of long fiction. 230k or so of fiction is not shabby.

I did this despite not taking care of myself. Following Pennsic, I spent 5-6 weeks in a funk. This was driven initially by fatigue, because I traveled a ton this past summer. Then my brain weasels got involved, chastising me for not being productive, and that spiraled down.

Fortunately, I recovered in time to complete all of the items I had promised to various editors. Had I paid attention to myself, though, I believe I would have finished None Call Me Mother. Ah, well.

I have adjustments planned for 2020. One challenge of being self-employed is that I have to play mental games with myself to keep me from doing stupid stuff, like losing those 5-6 weeks.

I went to a number of fantastic events in 2019. This was my first year as a vendor on my own at Gulf Wars. Drix and I also expanded our booth at Pennsic, and this is exciting. LibertyCon was wonderful and emotional. FantaSci went great, not great for a first time con, but great. So great I’m choosing it over Gulf Wars and Planet Comicon in 2020.

I did all these things while also getting the opportunity to serve as Their Majesty Calontir’s herald in the first half of the year. I love doing that job. Thanks to Donnghal and Catalina for giving me that opportunity. And yes, you totally got me.

My sweetie and I did a bunch of work to the house. We replaced around 1000 sq. ft. of carpet with bamboo. I love this stuff. Nice on my feet and pretty. We also started a new additional closet in the master suite, which had a ton of useless inefficient space.

The closest thing to a true negative are my tracked items, I spun my wheels a bit. I gained a little weight, though I’ve made it through most of the holidays without gaining much extra. My tracked word count, which includes only those things I actually released to the editor or on my blog, would have exceeded my goal had I managed to get None Call Me Mother to my editor, but of course will fall short in its actual number.

My wiki suffered a hacking attack in the spring. I have recovered most of the lost things, but I plan on redoing most entries. I learned a ton working on the 4HU wiki for nearly a year that I intend on incorporating. I’ll talk about that in my 2020 post.

These are my end results. I’ll work on improving them all in 2020.

Today’s Weight: 395.2

Updated Word Count: 146,912

Shijuren Wiki: 874 entries

I have so many people to thank. I’m going to take a crack at it, but will undoubtedly forget some people. But here’s what I can think of right now with a cat demanding petsies.

Mom, sweetie, and proto-incipient step-daughter come first. Living with a writer ain’t easy.

Chris Kennedy gave me a bunch of opportunities. I can’t thank him enough. James L. Young let me write in all 3 Phases of Mars, and those are good stories. Jamie Ibson let me break his soul in We Dare. Mark Wandrey kept encouraging me, especially his help in the 4HU. Kevin Ikenberry helped a ton with the Peacemaker aspects of my 4HU stuff. Frankly, let’s just thank all of the crew that Chris has gathered about him. They’re all making me better.

Kellie Hultgren did a great job editing my personal stuff and teaching me how to become a better writer. The staff at Brewbakers put up with me, and I rewarded them with tuckering it in “Silent Knight.”

Drix helped me grow my SCA sales presence. Tons of people encouraged me. One even allowed me to stay at her family’s lake house for a week of writing and solitude. I need to schedule this sort of thing once or twice a year.

Despite not getting None Call Me Mother out and spinning my wheels a bit, 2019 was definitely my best year so far. And it’s not close.

I’m growing leaps and bounds as a writer. My most recent project has helped me turn things I knew instinctively into things I understand. This is already showing up in None Call Me Mother and in “Silent Knight,” not to mention my earlier growth in 2019.

2019 was my best year.

2020 will be better. Lot’s better. We’re building something here and I will tell you all about what’s coming in a few days.

For now, though. Thanks to all of you. I really appreciate it.

Happy New Year!

Rob Howell

Currently Available Works
Four Horsemen Universe
The Phases of Mars
Short Stories

If you think you received this email incorrectly or wish to be unsubscribed, please send an email to shijuren-owner@robhowell.org

LibertyCon 2018 AAR

I’m sitting at Prince Street Pizza in Gallatin, TN and I’m exhausted.

Which means my plan is proceeding apace.

I’m in Gallatin because I’ll be staying at Mark and Joy Wandrey’s place for a few days before going to InConjunction this weekend. I’m exhausted because LibertyCon is the best SF/F convention around.

The best part of LibertyCon is the amount of professional networking. I got to plan for new projects and learn from some of the best in the SF/F world. It’s changed my writing schedule a bit, and that’s a good thing. I’ll talk about that more as time goes by, but some of it is too ill-formed at the moment to really discuss yet. However, I’ve planted some seeds in Shijuren and other universes that should end up being very fruitful. I begin the AAR with the networking comments because those started on Thursday before anything else.

I’d like to especially thank Steve Jackson, Bill Fawcett, and Chuck Gannon for taking the time to answer questions and pass on some of the lessons they’ve learned. Great stuff for all of them, and they’re the biggest reason I’ll be adjusting my plans over the next year.

My first panel happened on Friday at 2pm. This panel discussed historical fiction and also history in fiction. It went very well because Louise Herring-Jones, David B. Coe, and I all had good experience with historical processes as well as fiction. We all had lots of good stuff to say. Coe, in particular, showed off why he was  a deserving guest of honor with his discussion about his Thieftaker Chronicles set in Revolutionary War-era Boston.

The rest of Friday involved getting this arranged for Jamie Ibson’s party, Opening Ceremonies, and my Author’s Alley stint. That all went smoothly, including a number of sales in the Alley, which can often be hit or miss. We held Jamie Ibson’s room party in my room to make life easier for Brandy, and it went well. I went to bed late.

Even though I fell asleep late, I was up and lively at the Four Horsemen Roundtable at 10am on Saturday. I had the new laptop set up and showed off some of the wiki, along with showing the author pages. I also edited and added a few Wiki pages live, much to the delight of the audience in a few cases.

Then was the banquet at noon. The banquet is always an interesting animal for me. I don’t usually get big sales or networking, but it’s always enjoyable. Chuck Gannon, by the way, was an amazing MC.

At 3pm I then had a reading. I used Chapter 7, which is the chapter including Olga Belobashnina Cherepanova. It’s actually a perfect section for reading, as it’s essentially an entire story arc on its own. It’s only about 15-18 minutes, which usually means I have more time, so I also read the Epilogue to Brief Is My Flame, which doesn’t really include spoilers, does include the riddle, and hints at what’s coming in None Call Me Mother. The reading went well, though there weren’t many people there. Unfortunately, a woman who heard my reading last year and wanted to hear this year’s showed up after I was done. I ended up giving her my reading copy of the text at the Kaffeeklatsch. Nice, very smart woman who I’m glad likes my stuff.

Anyway, then was my autograph session. That was not particularly well attended, at least not for me, but I got to do some more networking.

At that point, it was time to prepare for the Brief Is My Flame / Four Horsemen room party. I’d like to thank Jamie for helping and contributing, even though he had to be at a different party. Anyway, it was a huge blast. My new drink, the MAC Round, went very well. I sold a few books, made a number of new readers, and we had a great time. I got to sleep about 3.

Which meant the Kaffeeklatsch at 10am was damned early. I made it, but I was generally content to let people swirl around me.

Following that was the Upcoming in the Chris Kennedy Publishing panel. I was in that panel because I’ll have two follow-ups to “Where Enemies Sit” from For a Few Credits More. The first is a short story for the Lyon’s Den anthology that I’ve talked about a couple of times. The second is the full-length novel. I announced the working title of the novel, The Feeding of Sorrows, which, like “Where Enemies Sit,” is a line from the Havamal.

I just want to take a quick moment and thank Chris Kennedy and Mark Wandrey for letting me be a part of the 4HU and tagging along on their coattails.

Anyway, that was the last thing I had scheduled for the con itself. I went to closing ceremonies, entitled the Bitch at Brandy session where they actively solicit ways to improve LibertyCon. I have no doubt this is one reason this is the best-run convention going. The big announcement was next year’s LibertyCon will be at the Read House on 31 May – 2 June, which is about a month ahead of their traditional date. However, that means LibertyCon 2019 is only 11 months away.

Sunday night at LibertyCon includes a traditional trip to a Brazilian steakhouse and more socializing / networking, and then back to the hotel for the Dead Dog party. Last year at this party, I got to do a play-test of a game similar to Cards Against Humanity with Steve Jackson. This year, I got to play one of the newly released versions of the game, Conspiracy Theory, and even won a copy to bring home. It’s a hoot.

The only real problem with LibertyCon is that there’s so many cool people to talk to and only three days to do so.

Again, I’d like to compliment the staff of LibertyCon. I’m quite serious when I say it’s better run than any other con I’ve ever seen, and it’s not close. Brandy Spraker does a fantastic job organizing things. Rich Groller is the most on-the-ball programming guy around (by a wide margin). It’s actually kind of silly how quickly he responds to stuff. Matthew Fanny keeps track of memberships, and I was a bit of a jerk to him this year as our circumstances kept changing and I switched plans with my membership four or five times. He just took care of me, even though I wasn’t easy. Misty Kat Gutierrez-Walker had the game room thrown at her at essentially the last minute, but, as she has done in the past, kept things going.

This year had to have been hard on them. They didn’t know if they were going to have a site in 2018, so they basically did the normal work of a con in about 6 months, instead of a year. That also included adapting to a new site (the Marriott Downtown), which had very particular rules. A great hotel in many ways, but not necessarily great for LibertyCon. Anyway, they did it all and the only real issues I saw came from hotel weirdnesses (like not having stairs from floor 3 to floor 2 that did not go through “employee only” areas!?!?).

This is my fifth LibertyCon, and like all the others, I’ve come out with improved plans and greater goals. I’m definitely earning a place and a name in this business in great part because of this con.

So, I know where I’ll be the weekend after Memorial Day in 2019.