From elasait
1. You’ve spent a lot of time in Ealdormere. Compare it with Calontir.
I think the biggest difference is size. For example, Calontir, overall, is a better fighting kingdom. It’s not that there are not talented fighters like Nigel and Edouard and many others, but there’s at least half again as many fighters in Calontir so I think the talent pool is deeper. I’m guessing that fighters from kingdoms larger than Calontir view Calontir in the same way. The main difference culturally would be the power of households in the two kingdoms, and because of the smaller size the household differences in Ealdormere can be magnified. Also, they have a distinctly different bardic tradition that accepts more solo performances and accepts reading from a lyric sheet, but they sing as much if not more than we do.
2. Where would you travel if money and time were no object, and how long would you spend there?
Boy, that’s tough, there are so many choices. I would probably do a repeat of my England trip of a couple of summers ago, only with adding Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. As to how long, can I do it for the rest of my life, coming back for Lilies and Pennsic? 😉
3. What’s the best event you were ever at, and why?
Wow, lots of choices. Pennsic two years ago comes to mind when I got my Lily and so many Ealdormerati came to congratulate me. Another possibility might be my first Estrella when I truly realized I had found a home. The Siridean’s Breach Gulf Wars has some magical memories for me, as well as that following Pennsic when I was in company command. 25th Jubilee was also pretty cool, especially trying not to cry announcing the cup thing in court. However, of all of this, I would probably say that either the Lilies or Pennsic when I was champion was the best. It’s really hard to top that.
4. What is your favorite non-SCA-related pursuit?
Hmmm, probably my Diamond Mind baseball league. It’s sort of a fantasy league only wayyyy more complicated.
5. I should probably know this, but don’t. Do you have any siblings?
None that are human, but several feline ones.
Okay, Resistance is Futile.
1. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
2. What is your favorite knightly virtue and why?
3. Someday, water will flow uphill, kittens will be indolent, Vlad’s will be quiet, and you will be knighted. Describe your perfect vigil and ceremony.
4. When you die, and they distribute your body parts to various places as relics, which body part do you think should be most revered and why?
5. Have you reserved your plane tickets for the fyrd retreat yet? Last weekend in April.
Oh, yeah, and I can’t resist your questions either.
1. If you could swap bodies with any one other person, temporarily, who would you select? Why?
2. What is your favorite and least favorite internet phenomenon?
3. Any songs or musicians that you are embarrassed to admit to liking?
4. Do you have a favorite piece of formal dress accoutrement (cufflinks, watch, tie tack, etc) What and why?
5. Given the mean distance from Sol to Earth is 1AU, and that C/1au::~8minutes in vacuum for a positively charged photon of infinitely minute mass, would you like a piece of toast?
Hey, I’m an only, too.
So I guess…resistance is futile.
1. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
2. Compare and contrast the challenges and rewards of Ph.D. vs. Laurel.
3. What would you like to see changed or improved in Ealdormere? The SCA?
4. When you die, and they distribute your body parts to various places as relics, which body part do you think should be most revered and why?
5. What is your preferred method for helping coconuts migrate?
I am futilely resisting as well.