I’ll admit it. I’m addicted. I want to see what’s on the other side of the next hill. It doesn’t matter if it’s on an interstate that I know what I’ll find is something like I’ve seen before, I still want to know.
And sometimes I still see something on an interstate I’ve never driven that is really cool.
But I’m in the midst of something a bit longer, and I’ve already taken trains, planes, and automobiles. Tomorrow I add a ship to the list.
So far, I’ve traveled slightly over 2000 miles. I have quite a few left to go. Many of those miles will be empty ocean. There won’t even be hills.
I still want to see what’s next.
And that’s a goodly amount of explaining my life, especially as I finally seem to be gaining control of it. By gaining control of it, I mean that I see a something different ahead.
I’m on track to release A Lake Most Deep by Kris Kinder. I may not have paper copies printed by then, but it looks like I’ll have those available soon after. An audiobook version should happen, too.
I’ll need five different ISBN numbers at a minimum for A Lake Most Deep and this pleases me greatly. That will cost, but one needs a separate ISBN number for each type of publication.
I should have printed copies of the cover that I can sign by Kris Kinder. I should also have some other things as well.
In other words, if A Lake Most Deep tanks, it’s because it’s wretched.
I am like many artists in that I don’t really have any belief that my art is good. I’m always surprised when I get really good responses to scroll texts or poetry.
So, I simply don’t know what I’ve got. I need to find out. I need to see that next hill.
Over the next few months, I’ll be publishing this book, writing much of its sequel, finishing a couple of somethings for the Grantville Gazette, and working on some game tie-in stuff.
So many hills to see what’s on the other side.
It should be fun.