Week 12 of 2018
Greetings all
I’m back and mostly recovered from Gulf Wars. From a professional point of view, it was a productive time. I got lots written. I’ve finally broken the 50k barrier in Brief Is My Flame while tossing some towards None Call Me Mother.
I also sold enough to pay the gas and site fee. With this success, I made some new plans to expand my merchanting by getting my own booth at Gulf. I’m excited as it’s another step forward for me.
However, I did not have as much fun as I have had at such events before. These two things are not unrelated.
Basically, I came home from fairly long days and simply didn’t have as much energy as I wished to participate in the fun. Mostly, this was because I was so tired of talking to people that I needed to retreat.
Next year I’ll have my own spot, which will hopefully make things go a little smoother since I won’t be juggling two different camps. I won’t be on the corner in Calontir, but frankly, when I got home after working I wasn’t able to do the job of welcoming people to Calontir properly anyway. I’ll miss that spot, which I’ve occupied for the past fifteen years or so, but it’s time to move on.
I’d been contemplating expanding my wares to include stuff on consignment, other books, CDs, stuff we’ll make when we get a shop, and things that Giulia wants to make. By July I hope to have enough to sell to reasonably fill the front of my pavilion.
Over the past few years, Master Andrixos, the greatest trim monger I know and the owner of Calontir Trim, has greatly helped me. He’s taught me much of what’s involved in being a merchant and he’s done me any number of favors. I can’t thank him enough for his help.
But it’s time for me to have my own home at most events.
Current Playlist Song
Humorously, as I talk about taking the next leap into the wine-dark sea, the current song is Styx’s “Come Sail Away.”
Quote of the Week
Today’s quote is how my life seems as my professional life adapts alongside the personal one. I see a great future, but I have to muddle my way through the present.
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
– Bilbo Baggins, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
News and Works in Progress
- TAV (1,144)
- AFS (2,681)
- Brief Is My Flame (50,597)
Recent Blog Posts and Wiki Additions
- Nothing new but check the blog on Tuesday as I’ll be adding a recurring feature.
Upcoming Events
- 20-22 April, Constellation, Lincoln, NE http://www.constellationne.
net/ - 4-6 May, Demicon, Des Moines, IA https://demicon.org/demicon29/
- 25-27 May, ConQuest, Kansas City, MO http://www.conquestkc.org/
- 2-3 June, Wichicon, Wichita, KS http://www.wichicon.com/
- 29 June-1 July, LibertyCon, Chattanooga, TN https://libertycon.org/
- 4-8 July, Battlemoor, Buena Vista, CO http://www.battlemoor.org/
- 13-15 July, O Comic Con, Omaha, NE https://www.ocomiccon.com/
- 27 July-12 August, Pennsic War, Cooper’s Lake, PA http://www.pennsicwar.org/penn
This week’s spotlight is on Kevin Ikenberry, who just released a new novel in the Four Horsemen Universe. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/Honor-Threat-Revelations-Cycle-Book-ebook/dp/B07BFWWL9W/
Today’s Weight: 387.8
Updated Word Count: 19,046
Shijuren Wiki: 741 entries
Four Horsemen Wiki: 195 entries
Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at rob@robhowell.org. Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.
Have a great week, everyone.
Author of the Shijuren-series of novels
- Website: www.robhowell.org
- Blog: www.robhowell.org/blog
- Shijuren Wiki: http://www.shijuren.org/World+
of+Shijuren+Home - Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/robho
well.org/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rhodri2112
- A Lake Most Deep (Edward, Book 1)
- The Eyes of a Doll (Edward, Book 2)
- Where Now the Rider (Edward, Book 3)
- I Am a Wondrous Thing (The Kreisens, Book 1)
- Brief Is My Flame (The Kreisens, Book 2) Forthcoming 2018
- None Call Me Mother (The Kreisens, Book 3) Forthcoming 2018
- “Where Enemies Sit” in For a Few Credits More (The Four Horsemen Universe)
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