Week 1 of 2024
Greetings all
Here’s hoping you all had a great new year! We had a tame New Year’s Eve, having chucked our plans and lounged on the couch. 2023 was a great, but exhausting year.
As we move to 2024, I’m making some renovations to the update list. First of all, I’m replacing the What I’m Listening To to New and Cool. Often, this will be books, music, and shows that are new to me, but can be all sorts of things I think are cool. That might be some happening in Anthony, too, as I got rid of that separate category.
Judging by the feedback, you guys like the Quote of the Week section, so that’s staying, as is Rob’s Riddles, which I plan to start doing that regularly again soon.
The New Mythology Works in Progress section is going away as a separate section. Why? Well, we have some really cool announcements to make on that front down the road. Also, I’ll be talking about it more in this portion.
In its place will come Dragon’s Tidings, which will have something of interest from Red Dragon Quilts and Dragon’s Den Books. I’m also bringing back the Freebie Section. This is where you can download some free stuff, including something from me.
Now back to the what I did this week. A short story went to the editor on Tuesday and I wrote about 5k in Okkorim. I’ll have a fun update on that soon.
I’ve started sending out edited stories for Paladins of Valor. Still a long way to go to climb that hill but it’s a beautiful vista ahead of us.
And with that, time to get back to work.
New and Cool
Sabaton is 25 years old this year, and if you haven’t listened to them before, they’re the best Swedish symphonic metal specializing in military historical themes I know of.
25 years? That’s pretty darn cool.
Quote of the Week
Happy birthday to Jacob Grimm, born on this day in 1785. You might remember him for his fairy tales, but I’ve grown fascinated by his linguistic laws. Here’s a link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimm’s_law.
He also seems to have been a man after my own heart.
“A good friend doesn’t let you do stupid things …. alone.”
― Grimm
Dragon’s Tidings
We have our first classes at Red Dragon Quilts! These include Beginning Knitting on the 13th, English Paper Piercing on the 16th, and 2 8-week long courses on Beginning Quilting.
Check out our class schedule:
New Mythology Works in Progress
I had an incredibly hard time choosing the winners of this year’s open call for Paladins of Valor. So many stories I wanted to publish, but here are the four I finally selected as the best.
- Chris Hepler with High Water Mark
- Nathan Balyeat with Welcome to Detroit
- David Birdsall with The Passing of the Mantle
- Chad Boyer with Apprentice in Trouble
Rob’s Works in Progress
- Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
- The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)
Upcoming Events
- Planet Comicon, March 8-10, Kansas City, KS
planetcomicon.com/ - GaryCon, March 21-24, Lake Geneva, WI
garycon.com/ - FantaSci, April 19-21, Durham, NC
fantasci.rocks/ - LibertyCon, June 21-23, Chattanooga, TN
libertycon.org/ - Pennsic War, July 26 – August 11, Slippery Rock, PA
Freebies and Cool Stuff

New Year Sci-Fi Fantasy Freebies

New Releases
This week we have book 8 in the Last Marines series by William S. Frisbee, Jr. It’s entitled Wolf Emperor and you can get it here amazon.com/dp/B0CR1TXG61.
Your pre-release this week is Prince Conqueror by Fred Hughes. This is book 7 in his Prince of Britannia series. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0CRD7CL1V.
Tracked Items
My Weight Today: 364.4 lbs
Updated Word Count: 678
Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries
Have a great week, everyone.
Rob Howell
Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe
- Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/-/e/B00X95LBB0
- Website: robhowell.org
- Blog: robhowell.org/blog
- The Firehall Sagas: firehallsagas.com/
- Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/robho
well.org/ - Twitter: twitter.com/Rhodri2112