Week 36 of 2022
Greetings all

I am so excited for September this year because it’s going to be huge for me.
First, coming out in only 5 days is No Game For Knights. It’s available in pre-order here: www.amazon.com/dp/B0B57DS9JD.
I am so pleased to be a part of this anthology. It is, of course, an honor to be in something with so many big names like Correia, Hamilton, Buettner, et. al., but for me it’s more than that.
I love noir, especially the hard-boiled detective versions. I love the intricate plots, the vivid language, the multi-dimensional characters, and a setting that is as much a character as it is a place. Raymond Chandler’s writing is almost poetry, and I heartily suggest people get audio versions to listen to his rhythm and cadence.
It’s the genre I lean into, whether I’m writing fantasy, pure mystery, SF, or whatever.

So that brings me to my next awesomeness for September. On September 16th, The Valkyries Initiative comes out. This is an anthology set in the Hit World created by William Alan Webb. The anthology is edited by Marisa Wolf, who wanted to add more powerful women characters to that universe, and also create a whole separate thread in that universe.
Let’s just say, Marisa weaves a tangled web, which will make even more sense when you read the anthology.
Anyway, I leaned into noir with my story here, which is sort of a hard-boiled PI version of a Norse Valkyrie just trying to do her job in modern St. Louis and finding it’s not so easy as she thought. The Norns have woven a fate for Vigdis that she has to discover, else they will be wroth with her.
At least Vigdis gets to drink all the Schlafly Oatmeal Stout she wants.
And that brings us to the next reason I’m excited about September. That weekend, the 16th through the 18th, I’ll be at FenCon in the DFW Metroplex. This is a con I’ve been looking forward to going to for a while, especially since I’ll see a number of friends I haven’t in a long while.
This includes William Alan Webb, and we’ll be talking up The Valkyries Initiative quite a bit. Plus Larry Correia will be there and I’m sure we’ll be talking up No Game for Knights.
But wait, there’s more!
September will have not one, but 2 releases with New Mythology Press. First, we’ll have The Pain Bearer, by Kendra Merritt on the 13th. This is the 8th in the Eldros Legacy.
Then, on the 27th, we start with a new series from Chris Nuttall. The first book is entitled The Chimera Coup, and it’s a blend of post-apocalyptic with some Harry Potter in a swords and sorcery story with a host of action and adventure. It’s great stuff.
Basically, I have something coming out each week in September (plus the first two weeks of October, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves).
Man, I’m excited. Let’s do this!
What I’m Listening To
Pellonpekko by Korpiklaani.
What by who?
Korpiklaani is one of my favorite folk metal bands, in their case, it’s Finnish folk music that inspires them. Pellonpekko is an instrumental that’s one my “Must Play Again Every Time” list.
Pellonpekko is a Finnish god, and here’s a version of the song on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=fCY5b36U9t8. It’s the kind of song that crosses a lot of genres, so even if folk metal isn’t normally your thing, you might still like this one.
Quote of the Week
“Aspen 30, I show you at one thousand nine hundred and forty-two knots, across the ground.”
– Brian Shul
On this day, the SR-71 set the record for flying from New York to London in the time of one hour, 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds. Today’s quote is from a different SR-71 moment.
If you haven’t heard this story yet, watch this video. It’s hilarious. youtube.com/watch?v=8AyHH9G9et0.
Dudes In Hyperspace
Follow the Dudes In Hyperspace here:
The latest show includes a fun discussion of the upcoming college football season with Joe Deleone.
Cool Stuff In Eldros Legacy
Get five free stories and signed up with the Eldros Legacy mailing list! Here There Be Giants is at: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/qabsr57lq3+.
The Pain Bearer by Kendra Merritt comes out on the 13th.
Currently available:
- Khyven the Unkillable by Todd Fahnestock
- Seeds of Dominion by Quincy J. Allen
- Deadly Fortune by Aaron Rosenberg
- The Door Into Winter by Rob Howell
- Lorelle of the Dark by Todd Fahnestock
- The Forgotten King by Mark Stallings
- Embers & Ash by Marie Whittaker
Get all the Eldros Legacy novels at: amazon.com/dp/B09Z9WVKYV
New Mythology Works in Progress
2023 FantaSci Short Story Contest open call.
The theme is Bonds of Valor, and you story must include deeds of valor centered around bonds between characters. This could be a romantic relationship, a buddy adventure, oaths to kings, or whatever you can come up with.
Deadline: November 30th, 2022
Word Count: 7-10,000 words
Specifics: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spaced.

Rob’s Works in Progress
- Sowing Spring’s Wrath (5,108)
- Farewell, My Ugly (23,151)
- Rick Blaine (8,845)
- CB (8,418)
- The Feasting of Vengeance (3,405)
Upcoming Events
- FenCon, 16-18 September, Irving, TX, fencon.org/
- Midwest Game Fest, 1-4 December, Independence, MO, midwestgamefest.org/kansascity
- MarsCon, 13-15 January, Virginia Beach, VA, marscon.net/wp/
New Releases
This week we have Darkness Rising by William S. Frisbee, Jr. This is the 2nd in his Gods of War series. Side note: Chris has 6 of these in hand and will be releasing them about every 5-6 weeks. That means if you jump in now, you won’t have to wait long, so get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0BBQ5J3R9.
Our special early release for this week is The Ghosts of Xicotepec by James Tarr. This is the 3rd book in his Echoes of Pangaea series and you can get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0BCHX1XKR.
And new in audio is Action, by Nick Steverson. It’s part of the Salvage Title universe and is narrated by Michael LeBlanc. Get it here: amazon.com/dp/B0BBQ47LFH.
Tracked Items
Today’s Weight: 327.2
Updated Word Count: 152,140
Eldros Legacy Archives: 813 entries
Have a great week, everyone.
Rob Howell
Founder in the Eldros Legacy series
- Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/-/e/B00X95LBB0
- Website: robhowell.org
- Blog: robhowell.org/blog
- Eldros Legacy: eldroslegacy.com/
- Eldros Legacy Archives:www.eldroslegacy.com/archive/tiki-index.php
- Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/robho
well.org/ - Twitter: twitter.com/Rhodri2112