Laundry Day

Well I essentially took yesterday off completely. I did my laundry, but that’s about it.

I have been, over the past few days, very tired. While I am aware that I have essentially been on the go for three weeks, counting Lilies and then the first part of this trip, I felt I was more tired than I should be. Yesterday, I think I realized why. I have not had a caffeinated beverage in a week. I don’t drink coffee often. I like iced tea, but that’s not really what they serve here, and none of my usual diet sodas are readily available here.

Given how much I drink caffeine, it’s probably not a bad idea to wean myself off of it here and go back to water. This is especially true since I’ve already gone a week without.

Today, my plans are pretty basic. I’m going to catch the bus up to the big shopping area in downtown Hayes and stroll around. There are several interesting restaurants I noted as I rode the bus through there.

Tonight, I suspect Ian, Eddie, and I will hit a pub and then tomorrow we’ll go to Exeter to a Vikings event. I don’t know where I’ll go then. I’d like to go to Salisbury for a few days, but the B&B that Kate and Eric suggested is pretty full and the only rooms they have are £58 a night. I’d like to spend a couple of days there, but I don’t think at that price. I’m thinking maybe I’ll look into going to Portsmouth. We’ll see.

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