Leave me a comment saying “Resistance is Futile.”
• I’ll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions (I’ll also answer more, if asked)
These questions are from clairebearkl
1. What do you think is the biggest thing we’ll get out of the Staffordshire hoard?
Wow, what a question I should be prepared to answer but am not. I really haven’t looked at the hoard all that much yet from an academic perspective. Off the top of my head, I would answer however that I’m guessing we’ll get a much better understanding of the trade routes and production centers because it’s a major increase in the sample size of such artifacts. I think it will also continue to move along a current trend of not assuming immediately certain aspects about an object simply because of where it was found.
2. Someone asked me what drew me to Anglo-Saxons so I, in turn, shall ask you. What draws you to the Anglo-Saxons?
Tolkien and poetry and Maerwynn, essentially in that order. The Wanderer has been my favorite for a long long time.
3. What was one of your favorite things that happened in Calontir this year?
Wow, choices. The 25th Jubilee was an amazing thing, and I would say that, though I selfishly I have to admit that I am partial to the cup thing we did for Maerwynn and what she got to do at Gulf Wars.
4. What attracts you to heavy fighting?
I’ve always played sports, especially team sports. I didn’t get to play team sports much for a while before starting to fight, so it was a great opportunity to me. Also, I was often, despite the fact that I’ve never been slim or fast, the quarterback because I like controlling and leading a team so I have loved the leadership opportunities inherent in unit command.
5. What’s your favorite song to sing? (SCA or non-SCA)
To sing? Hmmm. I would say that my favorite one to perform is Faith’s Lessons Learned. My favorite performance piece is my Rose Poem, especially when Maerwynn is around, who helped me write the poem long before she thought she’d be queen. I’m starting to learn Kilkelly, because I’m wanting to do Irish sessions and that is an amazing song. Also, I’m really trying to learn Yew Tree for both SCA and sessions.
I think we’ve done this before, but what the heck
Resistance is futile. We are Calontir. You will be assimilated. Here, have a beer.
Re: I think we’ve done this before, but what the heck
Here you go.
1. You gave me that personal token to me at Pennsic and it is one of my favorite sentimental items. What is your favorite sentimental item or token that you’ve gotten in your time in the SCA.
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. What’s your favorite thing that one of your students has done?
4. What small subtle changes to the process and administration of teaching would you like to see implemented to improve the system?
5. what is your favorite movie movement in the SCA?
Re: I think we’ve done this before, but what the heck
What she said…mooooooo
Re: I think we’ve done this before, but what the heck
1. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
2. Is there a difference in becoming a peer in the East as opposed to Calontir?
3. Is there a difference in being a peer in the East as opposed to Calontir?
4. Which Nova Scotian band playing maritime songs should we listen to that we have never heard of?
5. Are you aware of the many B&B opportunities available in Missouri?
Resistance is Futile.
Or is that “feudal”?
Can never keep those two straight.
Here you go.
1. Which one person would you want to be more like?
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. I suspect you have a lot of friends still in the military. Which one in particular that has done unsung good things should we thank by name?
4. What small subtle changes to the process and administration of nursing would you like to see implemented to improve the system?
5. what is your favorite movie moment in the SCA?
Resistance is futile. (Just don’t make me do anything with Ohm’s Law. It’s been forever since I’ve done anything regarding soldering wires to a board of any kind.)
1. What fictional character should you play?
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. I know you’re wanting to change and improve your situation. What one thing will you do today or tomorrow to help that along?
4. If you could not be Byzantine, what other persona would you be?
5. What is your preferred method for helping coconuts migrate?
Resistance is futile. Oh, Borg, never stop being awesome.
1. You’re always ranting about George R.R. Martin’s Song series, so… Which character from Song of Fire and Ice is closest to your personality and why?
2. You’re fairly new to the SCA and it has been a while for me, so I would like to hear your perspective. What’s been the hardest part of becoming a part of Calontir?
3. The easiest?
4. What one thing would you like to improve about yourself?
5. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
Resistance is futile. Really, really futile.
1. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
2. I’m curious about the cultural differences between your portion of An Tir and Calontir. How would you describe the differences?
3. What is the average flying speed of an Alaskan swallow?
4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
5. When are you coming home to Calontir? 🙂
Resistance is futile. I love being assimilated (well, at least into Calontir)! 🙂
1. What brought you into the SCA and when?
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. I like you despite the fact that you’re a K-State fan. How did you become such a football fan?
4. What are you making for this year’s Queen’s Prize?
5. Are you glad I chose embattled instead of gyronny?
Also, I just realized that you never answered my interview questions, and I’m curious like cat, so:
-3 goals: one you’re almost sure is out of reach but can’t give up, one you anticipate reaching within the next 5 years, and the one that’s most important to you.
-In the event that you become King of Calontir, what would be your whims?
-What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
-So you get to have four people from history (for the purposes of this question, history = SCA period according to Corpora) and three SCAdians over for dinner. Who would you invite, and what would you serve them?
-I saw in a previous edition of this that you’re an only child. Did you want to have human siblings?
Resistance is futile.
Ermenrich of Borg
1. What brought you into the SCA and when?
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. When are you going to write and direct SCA: The Musical?
4. When you die, and they distribute your body parts to various places as relics, which body part do you think should be most revered and why?
5. What inspired you to teach?
OK, I’m curious as to what you’d ask me…..resistance is feudal…
1. What brought you into the SCA and when?
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. What is your favorite memory about being queen.
4. Why do you have such a snail fetish? In other words, what’s the average speed of an unladen Arkansan snail?
5. You’ve sort of reached the pinnacle in many ways in the SCA. What are some of your current goals?
Resistance is futile, but who says I’d resist?
1. What brought you into the SCA and when?
2. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
3. When you die, and they distribute your body parts to various places as relics, which body part do you think should be most revered and why?
4. What are you making for this year’s Queen’s Prize?
5. OK, so I sort of associate you, and as sort of a wolf pack given that you all are geographically connected. Which of you is the meanest, toughest wolf of the pack 🙂
…dude. Did you really just ask that question? And by that question, I mean #5.
Ok I gave up, Resistance is Futile
1. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
2. How does your dancing help your fighting and vice versa?
3. You’ve achieved a lot of great things in the SCA, what are some of your future goals.
4. When you die, and they distribute your body parts to various places as relics, which body part do you think should be most revered and why?
5. So when are you going come pick up By Heresies Distressed on CD?
I’ll bite…
Resistance is (sometimes) futile…but can be fun too!
1. What one non-SCA event (Indy 500, Kentucky Derby, etc.) would you like to experience?
2. When you die, and they distribute your body parts to various places as relics, which body part do you think should be most revered and why?
3. When did you start cooking and what is your favorite recipe?
4. What brought you into the SCA and when?
5. How does the light look when filtered through y’all’s spiffy new stained glass?