Rob’s Update: When In The Course Of Human Events

Week 28 of 2024

Greetings all

Happy 4th of July to everyone! May you all have an excellent and safe holiday.

Anthony is fireworks mad, and they’ve been shooting them off for a week now. We get a nightly show out our windows, which is actually kinda neat. I like fireworks, and the SWMBO enjoys the lights, but the booms get to her. This means she gets to see them without all the sound.

I spent much of today setting up my woodshop (finally). It’s still a loooong way to go but progress is progress. In true American fashion, I have to run to the hardware store for specific parts.

Responsibility of the Fleet
Responsibility of the Fleet

I also made progress on Responsibility of the Fleet, by G. Scott Huggins. I’m chugging away and on the downward curve. I anticipate it’ll be back to Scott by the end of next week and then off to the editor after that.

The planned release date, by the way, is September 12th, and here’s the amazing cover by J. Caleb Designs.

This time, Responsibility faces demons at the end of the world. How can you not want to read that?

I made go progress on The Feasting of Vengeance too. Man, I love these characters. They, of course, hate me, given all the crap I put them through. Right now, Rhan’Kiial’Tala wouldn’t mind stomping me with his CASPer. I did the worst thing ever to him: he got a promotion.

I’m going through the open call submissions, though it’ll take time. I’ll keep everyone updated as I make decisions.

Speaking of open calls, CKP is having it’s own open calls for SF/space opera/mil SF novels and trilogies. Here are the details:

I also spent part of today writing out my plans for ChattaCon. In case you didn’t know, I’m the Toastmaster and man, am I excited about this honor. I hope everyone can come to ChattaCon in January. It’s the 50th one, after all.

Oh, and I’m cooking up something special for opening ceremonies. If you’re there, make a point of attending that for sure.

And with that, time to go enjoy the holiday! Have a great week, everyone.

What I’m Listening To

If Eternity Should Fail, one of the many great songs by Iron Maiden off their album Book of Souls. Some Maiden fans will consider this heresy, but I think it’s one of the best things they’ve ever done.

Quote of the Week

Can I quote anything but the Declaration of Independence today? Here’s a passage I think is really important but which often gets glossed over.

“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”
– Declaration of Independence

Rob’s Riddles

Like challenges? Think you’re smarter than me? Then see if you can answer my riddles!

You can find them by signing up for my Patreon here: Not sure what I mean? Then check the sample riddle and see if you get the answer!

First Line of Current Riddle:

Great treasures I hold, Trading past for present

But wait, there’s more! You get new riddles on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, but on the other Tuesdays, you get snippets of works in progress.

This week’s snippet is Chapter Two of The Feasting of Vengeance.

New Mythology Works in Progress

Responsibility of the Fleet is the next release, but starting in October, you’re going to see the world of the Milesian Accords explode like the series of fireworks at the finale of the biggest fireworks display around. We’re very excited.

Rob’s Works in Progress

  • Sowing Spring’s Wrath (3,213)
  • The Feasting of Vengeance (33,245)

Upcoming Events

New Releases

This week we have more from the amazing Bill Fawcett and Casey Moores. It’s No Further, book 3 in their Blood and Armor series. This series is rapidly becoming a favorite, and you’re not going to want to miss it! There’s a new player in the arena that wants to wipe out the Kurdish Republic, but the peshmerga aren’t going down without a fight! Get it here:

Your pre-release this week is more from John E. Siers in his excellent Lunar Free State series. I actually played a bit of hooky from reading fantasy to go through this series. In this one, Three Player Game, a new group of nations has joined the space race, and it’s going to upset the apple cart!. Get it here:

Tracked Items

My Weight Today: 369.6 lbs

Updated Word Count: 116,631

Firehall Sagas Archives: 758 entries

Let me know if you have any suggestions on the website, this email, or cool story ideas at Especially let me know of suggestions you have for the Spotlight section.

Have a great week, everyone.

Rob Howell

Creator of the Firehall Sagas Universe

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