
I hate the doctoral application process. This process is worse than writing my thesis and dealing with all of the hoops at the Grad School at Wichita State. That doesn’t seem right to me.

Eight of the 11 apps I’m sending out just went out. They are:
Ohio State, Minnesota, Saint Louis University, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, University of Chicago

The other 3 are:
University of Toronto, both History and the Centre for Medieval Studies. These are waiting because I’m not sure I did the Centre’s reference letters correctly, so I need to double check on that.
Western Michigan University. This one is waiting because they have multiple sets of instructions on their website and forms and I do not know what to send. I’ll call them and figure that out.

But they’re basically ready to send, once I clear those up. I hope to have WMU sent out tomorrow and UT sent out before Christmas, though that’s depending upon profs if I have to get new letters. Worst case on the UT ones, I send them out without the right letter of reference forms.

I’m guessing I’ll know more in late February, early March. Maybe I’ll have everything by Gulf Wars and can start making plans. We’ll see. Anyway, the bread is on the water and here’s hoping something positive comes back, unlike last year.

The process sucks though. I pretty much had to write or enter everything multiple times for each entry. There is no need for this redundancy in this day and age. The online apps are better, but they aren’t fully utilized, I suspect, or it would work better.

Anyway, the process has driven me to drink, or at least given me an excuse to go the Field House.

2 thoughts on “Applications”

  1. Sounds about right unfortunately- I swear universities make the process confusing in order to lessen the amount of people applying!
    Glad to hear some of the apps are sent off. If you need me to call U of T for you, let me know.

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